Levitation is REAL

November 26, 2007
Researchers from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland have created what they call "incredible levitation effects" by manipulating a natural law known as the Casimir force, which usually causes objects to stick together. In the November 23rd Daily Telegraph,... continued

Weather Wars in Our Future?

November 26, 2007
Climate change may be one of the most significant threats facing humankind. A new study shows that long-term climate change may ultimately lead to wars and population decline. WHY do these researchers think these things may happen??Because they happened in... continued

2008 Crop Circle Calendars Here!

November 26, 2007
Our gorgeous new 2008 crop circle calendars have arrived, and Subscribers have a special coupon code that gives them $2 off that can be found in the subscriber section NOW. These calendars are not only gorgeous, they can help you... continued

Meet William Henry THIS WEEKEND & New Dreamland Host in Jan.!

November 26, 2007
If you live in California, you have a chance to meet popular Dreamland host William Henry, who will be holding a 2 day Stargate Mystery School special event December 1 and 2, 2007 at The Zero Point Energy Research Center,... continued


November 23, 2007
We reported in the past that researchers didn't know whether or not breastfeeding makes children smarter. But it turns out that it can, IF they have the right gene?a gene that most of us have. BBC news reports that researchers... continued

Run Your Car on Egg Shells

November 23, 2007
For those of us who have just finished off the turkey, it's god to know that environmentalists want to make sure we use EVERY PART of the poultry we eat. Clothes may eventually be made out of chicken feathers. Now... continued

Meat or Potatoes?

November 23, 2007
Was early man a meat eater or a vegetarian? Is not eating meat a natural?or unnatural?thing for people to do? One way to decide is to study our closest relations, the chimpanzees. The debate centers on the diet followed by... continued

Turkey is NOT the culprit!

November 22, 2007
Researchers say that we can blame turkey for many things, but one thing we CAN'T blame it for is that nap we always take after eating a big Thanksgiving dinner. Some researchers say that tryptophan, an amino acid found in... continued

What Kind of Turkey are You Eating, Anyway?

November 22, 2007
Is the turkey we put on the table today at Thanksgiving considerably different than the one the Pilgrims found out in the wild? Turkey expert Nickolas Zimmermann says, "Turkeys in the days of the Pilgrims were similar to the wild... continued

Coverup Continues After Death

November 21, 2007
On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was shotdead in Dallas, and now President Gerald Ford's posthumousautobiography contains a claim that the CIA documentsrelatiing to the assassination. Ford offers a strongsuggestion that Oswald acted alone, but it is also... continued