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Mysterious Italian Fires Solved?
November 2, 2007A report leaked to the Italian press concerning a series of unexplained fires that took place in Sicily in 2004 has attributed them to "unnatural forces capable of creating large amounts of electromagnetic energy." The report also mentions a possible... continued
Space Wars
November 2, 2007The value of Helium 3 deposits on the moon remains the unstated reason that an Asian space race is on, as India, China and Japan all direct their space programs toward the moon. Answering Japan's recent insertion of an orbiter... continued
If You’re Feeling SAD Lately…
November 1, 2007If you notice that your mood, energy level and motivation go way down around this time of year, only to return to normal in April, you may have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). What can you do about this? Dr. Angelos... continued
Women Want to Know Why
November 1, 2007Why do women have to go through menopause?is it because having a baby over age 50 would be likely to kill them? Or maybe it's because, next to their mothers, what kids REALLY need are GRANDMOTHERS. Also, we've discovered a... continued
Halloween: What’s it All About, Anyway?
October 31, 2007Halloween itself is wearing a mask, because it's actually an ancient year-end spiritual ritual in disguise. Sociologist Charles Emmons says, "Halloween has gone through two major transformations since its beginning at least 3,000 years ago as an ancient European folk... continued
Why Do Leaves Turn Colors in the Fall?
October 30, 2007Soils may dictate the array of fall colors as much as the kinds of trees planted in them. When they moved sweetgum and red maple trees from one type of soil to another, researchers in North Carolina discovered that in... continued
Diana Scandal Continues
October 30, 2007We previously reported that MI6 agents (the equivalent of the US CIA) were operating in Paris on the night of August 31, 1997, the time of the car crash that killed Princess Diana and her lover Dodi Fayed. Photographer James... continued
UFO Investigators Win Court Case!
October 29, 2007Under pressure from investigative journalist Leslie Kean, who has been a frequent guest on Dreamland, NASA has finally agreed to search its archives for documents pertaining to a UFO incident that occurred in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania in 1965, due to a... continued
Candidate Says He Will Reveal Roswell UFO Info.
October 29, 2007Is the UFO information hidden deep within government archives finally coming to light? First, author Shirley MacLaine reveals that presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich saw a UFO. Next, report Leslie Kean forces NASA to release its Kecksburg UFO documents. Now, presidential... continued
Possible Bigfoot Photos from Pennsylvania
October 26, 2007If this as yet unidentified primate photographed in Pennsylvania on September 17 is indeed Bigfoot, these would be among the best photographs of the elusive animal ever taken. This will be Linda Howe's report on Dreamland this week, along with... continued