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Global Warming: City Birds Versus Country Birds
October 18, 2007Scientists have discovered that city birds are smarter than country birds. Global warming may already be driving some species into extinction. BUT some birds are a lot SMARTER than others, and THEY may survive. And new discoveries indicate that birds... continued
What Makes Some People Lefties?
October 18, 2007Scientists are fascinated by left-handedness. They know that being a lefty is genetic, so there?s no use trying to change. Scientists have discovered a gene which seems to make it more likely that you'll among the 11% of people who... continued
Alzheimer’s Reversed!
October 17, 2007We recently reported that the childhood condition of autism may be able to be reversed. Now Alzheimer's, a devastating brain disease that strikes at the end of life, may be able to be reversed as well. Researcher have found that... continued
Insect Spies
October 16, 2007From time to time, on unknowncountry.com, we talk about bugs--both the real kind and the computer kind. We also refer to bacteria as a "bug," and now it's been discovered that 8-million year old bacteria that was removed from the... continued
Why Jupiter Doesn’t Help
October 16, 2007When astronomers used to search for solar systems with planets that might harbor life, they looked for a large planet in the outer orbit, like Jupiter, because they thought these planets absorbed the blows from incoming space rocks that could... continued
Deflecting the Asteroid Threat
October 15, 2007The asteroid threat continues, and scientists continue to work frantically to figure out how to deflect dangerous asteroids that may be heading our way, before they impact the earth?or infect us with dangerous alien bacteria. In New Scientist magazine, David... continued
Templars Exonerated
October 15, 2007On Dreamland, we have presented many great shows about the mysterious Knights Templar, who were murdered 700 years ago by the Catholic Church. (Subscribers can still listen to this show). The Vatican has now officially admitted that this was done... continued
Signed Copies of 2012
October 13, 2007MORE UPDATES! - Even If you missed seeing Whitley on his tour, you can STILL get a signed copy of his new book 2012 The War for Souls, which will be filmed for Warner Brothers by the producers who made... continued
New Search for Alien Life
October 12, 2007UPDATE CANADA! - Some people are still searching. Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has funded an array of 350 antennas which SETI will use to continue its search for alien life. BBC News reports that they should be up and running... continued
Skin Disease May Be Linked to GM Food
October 12, 2007Many people?and most physicians?have written off Morgellons disease as either a hoax or hypochondria. But now there is evidence that this mysterious disease may be REAL and related to GENETICALLY-MODIFIED food! The skin of Morgellons victims oozes mysterious strands that... continued