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Are They Real?
October 12, 2007Do parallel universes exist? New research proves that they DEFINITELY do. There are many versions of "you" out there somewhere. In the Sept. 22-28 edition of New Scientist magazine, Zeeya Merali writes, "If you think of yourself as unique, think... continued
Teflon Babies
October 11, 2007Two years ago, we reported the unthinkable: our favorite non-stick cooking surface may be dangerous. Now it has been discovered that babies whose mothers cook in non-stick pans, exposing their fetuses to the chemicals on them, have a significantly lower... continued
Sticking Together & Taking Apart
October 11, 2007Researchers have made great strides when it comes to figuring out how to stick things together. They've also figured out how things get tangled up when we don't WANT them to. Cellophane tape was invented in 1929 by engineer Richard... continued
Be Happy & You’ll be Healthy
October 10, 2007Your immune system, which protects you from disease, likes you to be dirty and happy (or does it)? A new study shows that men who are hostile and prone to frequent intense feelings of anger and depression could be harming... continued
Owning an iPod May be Dangerous
October 10, 2007Owning an iPod can be dangerous?in more ways than one. Crime statistics released by the FBI show that violent crime increased in 2005 and 2006, and they think that thefts of iPods may have triggered the spike, since adolescents are... continued
Devastating Mosquito Disease in US
October 9, 2007The first European victim of a deadly new mosquito-borne disease was bitten while in the United States and is in a coma. This virus is known as Eastern Equine Encephalitis or Triple E. The victim, Michael Nicholson, was bitten by... continued
Awards for the OTHER Research
October 9, 2007While the Nobel prizes are being give out, it's important to note some of the OTHER scientific advances that have been made in the past year, such as: a "gay" bomb that could be used against Muslim terrorists to turn... continued
Sexual Predators Have Abnormal Brains
October 8, 2007UPDATE - Pedophilia has been in the news the last few years, due to the scandals in the Catholic Church. There's new evidence that this condition is caused by brain abnormalities. Keep reading to see if YOU recognize one of... continued
Can Autism be Reversed?
October 8, 2007Can autism be reversed? Scientists have done this in mice by manipulating genes?in the future, they may be able to help children this way as well. BBC News reports that symptoms of mental retardation and autism have been reversed for... continued
When Vitamins are BAD for You
October 5, 2007We recently reported on a surprising way that men can help protect themselves from prostate cancer. Now something else they may be doing? taking vitamins?could turn out to be BAD for this disease. About a third of American adults take... continued