Your Favorite Food is NOT Addictive

September 21, 2007
Finally?a prescription we WANT to take! Eating about 30 calories a day of dark chocolate is associated with a lowering of blood pressure, without weight gain or other adverse effects. And scientists now insist that chocolate isn't REALLY addictive. Previous... continued

Nose Jobs Neurotic

September 21, 2007
The average female hates how she looks?but does that make her neurotic? Psychologists say that patients seeking cosmetic rhinoplasty ("nose jobs") ARE often neurotic. And guys with thick, heavy features weren?t just attractive to Neanderthal females?they're still considered attractive today.... continued

UFOs are Green

September 20, 2007
No, this doesn't mean that people see green "flying saucers" (any more than they see "little green men." Our readers know that what they see are little GRAY men.) It means that the cylindrical shape of UFOs makes them much... continued

Good Reasons to Get Married

September 20, 2007
Marriage is healthy--even more healthy for men than for women. Marriage also provides great psychological benefits for depressed people. Do men and women have different criteria when it comes to choosing a mate? And after you GET married, be sure... continued

Why Cockroaches aren’t BIGGER

September 19, 2007
We now know that cockroaches are responsible for a common respiratory ailment and that they are resistant to radiation (meaning that if an atomic bomb went off, we'd be gone but the roaches would still be in our kitchen). But... continued

Sun Vibrations

September 19, 2007
Cell phone not functioning? It could be due to vibrations on the sun?or maybe right here on Earth. And did you know that psychologists have decided that cell phones cause a SPECIAL KIND of anxiety? We all know about sunspots... continued

The Night Shift is Safe

September 18, 2007
Four years ago, we reported that women who worked the night shift seem to get more breast cancer. It will now be a relief to many workers to learn that a new study shows that working nights DOES NOT promote... continued

Meteor Makes Them Ill

September 18, 2007
After a meteorite crashed into a remote village in Peru, the villagers all became ill. After the meteorite?s fiery crash, nearby villagers began to complain about smelling a strange odor which led to headaches and vomiting. The policemen who were... continued

Supernova Soon

September 17, 2007
Astronomers have spotted a star that is about to explode?a supernova. Could this ever happen to OUR sun? In BBC News, Roland Pease reports that astronomers saw the star "RS Ophiuchi? flare up around 6 months ago, suddenly becoming a... continued

Bra Talk

September 17, 2007
We've reported before that women who get breast implants are nearly three times as likely to commit suicide. And what are bras for anyway? Scientific studies show that they do NOT stop breasts from bouncing. But women still need them:... continued