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Cars That Think
August 29, 2007Would accidents be eliminated if cars could drive themselves? Someday cars may fix their own dents. Cars already automatically lock doors when they sense motion and turn on warning lights if they detect potential engine problems. But they are about... continued
MORE Extreme Weather
August 29, 2007Floods in Europe, a tornado in Brooklyn: Due to global warming, extreme weather may be here to stay. the average temperature in 2006 was the second highest since we started keeping records in 1895. The warmest year on record in... continued
The Question That Won’t Go Away
August 28, 2007UPDATE - Jim Marrs said it first, then theologian David Ray Griffin said it: The 911 attacks were a either engineered, or "allowed to happen," in order to push through the Patriot Act and facilitate the founding of the "Imperial... continued
Is Fat Contagious?
August 28, 2007Is fat CONTAGIOUS? Are the people you hang out with making you fat? Researchers say the answer to both these questions is "yes." But if you're fat, it doesn't mean your love life is over, because fat people are attracted... continued
Still Doing It
August 27, 2007New research shows that old age does not stop people from enjoying sex. With Viagra, there is even less problem--but it COULD lead to a population explosion! The little blue pill may do more than get the blood pumping. It... continued
Time Travel May be Real in the Future
August 27, 2007We may not be able to travel into the future, but a new idea for a time machine may allow future generations to travel to the past. If this has already been invented, perhaps UFO encounters are examples of these... continued
Learn Astral Projection from Robert Bruce
August 24, 2007Australian author Robert Bruce has been a frequent guest on Dreamland, and we'll be talking to him again in the fall. He has announced 5 week online course in practical astral projection, beginning September 8. To learn more, click here.... continued
Something is Killing Our Cats
August 24, 2007...and this time, it's not petfood from China! On Dreamland, Linda Howe often reports on mysterious cat mutilations across the US. Now something else is killing our cats?a mysterious epidemic of thyroid disease. Researchers may have finally found the cause:... continued
Another Ice Block Falls to Earth
August 24, 2007We regularly report on the global warming phenomenon of big blocks of ice falling from the sky?something which has been reported on local news outlets for years, but which the national media does not seem to have noticed yet. Now... continued
Extraterrestrial Life: Not Carbon-Based Like Us?
August 24, 2007Could extraterrestrial life be made of corkscrew-shaped particles of interstellar dust? Astronomers have discovered intriguing new evidence of life-like structures that form from inorganic substances in space that could be the basis of ANOTHER life form. An international team of... continued