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Grill Safe
July 25, 2007It's summer, the time when many of us fire up our grills. But grilling isn't always a safe way to cook. Ruining a piece of meat isn't the only thing you need to worry about if you're cooking at high... continued
Exercise Builds Brain Cells
July 24, 2007You're walking or jogging regularly--and maybe you're even biking, swimming and playing tennis too. If so, you may be reading Anne Strieber's diet book. You're ALSO growing new brain cells! In LiveScience.com, Jeanna Bryner reports that exercise stimulates the growth... continued
Sudden Climate Change
July 24, 2007After The Day After Tomorrow was released, climatologists fell all over their own feet trying to claim that sudden climate change isn't all that sudden, really. Shortly thereafter, the Byrd Polar Research Institute published studies of Peruvian glaciers showing that... continued
Weather Woes Grip Planet
July 24, 2007While unprecedented flooding cripples Britain and Texas andhundreds die in Asian 'rain bombs,' the western UnitedStates is experiencing drought so extreme that thousands ofsquare miles of desert and forest are burning, and thepersistence of the weather patterns suggest that they... continued
Bee Situation?OK in US for NOW
July 23, 2007We have a SLIGHT reprieve on the US bee emergency: on Friday, July 13, Agriculture Undersecretary Gale Buchanan warned, "There were enough honey bees to provide pollination for US agriculture this year, but beekeepers could face a serious problem next... continued
Sudden Change
July 23, 2007Not all change is gradual?sometimes even HUGE earth changes can happen suddenly. For instance, we now know that the island that is now the UK became separated from the mainland suddenly 200,000 years ago after a huge flood. And Greenland,... continued
Bird Extinctions May Have Started Already
July 20, 2007Biologists warn that global warming and the destruction of natural habitats will lead to significant declines and extinctions in the world?s 8,750 terrestrial bird species over the next century. In Scotland, they're already noticing the disappearance of seabirds. It's the... continued
Do Americans Have a Cowboy Mentality?
July 20, 2007Compared with Chinese people especially, Americans have trouble seeing ourselves as others see us. This may be because we are a culture that values individualism rather than cooperation. New research shows that people from Western cultures such as the United... continued
Adults Scared of Teen Criminals
July 19, 2007A new study shows that giving city squares a makeover could offer a surprising benefit: reduced crime rates. A significant proportion of crimes are committed by adolescents, so don't we do more to stop juvenile crime? It turns out we're... continued
Huge Dead Zone Where No Fish can Live
July 19, 2007A dead zone is an area of water where there is no oxygen, so the fish all die. There are "dead zones" in the Gulf of Mexico every year, but the current zone is the biggest anyone there has ever... continued