The Root of All Evil?

July 18, 2007
Is money the root of all evil? Not necessarily: paying your taxes?then giving the rest of your money (if there's any left) to charity?can give you the same kind of satisfaction you get from eating when you?re hungry. And in... continued

Arctic: Still Cold, but Not Cold Enough

July 18, 2007
Polar bears aren't the only Arctic creatures suffering because their habitat is changing. Research has uncovered alarming evidence that high Arctic ponds, many which have been permanent bodies of water for thousands of years, are completely drying out during the... continued

How to Eat to Avoid Cancer

July 18, 2007
To avoid Alzheimer's, eat like an Italian. This can help prevent cancer too! And an apple a day?or at least an apple PEEL a day?may help keep cancer away. Researchers have identified a dozen compounds in apple peel that either... continued

Whitley on Coast TONIGHT

July 18, 2007
Whitley Strieber will take part in a tribute to retiring Coast to Coast AM host Art Bell on Wednesday's show on July 18, when he will talk about the most important thing that ever happened to him with regard to... continued

Crop Circle Meditation

July 18, 2007
Whitley Strieber's first crop circle imprinting meditation is our lead offering for our subscribers this week. Whitley has been working with the circles ever since the possibility that they might be intended?or at least, usable?as mind-altering patterns came up a... continued

Common Breakfast Food May Cause Cancer

July 17, 2007
We long reported that our chances of getting cancer may be affected by what we eat. Now scientists say that eating grapefruit every day may raise the risk of developing breast cancer by almost a third. And while genes explain... continued

What If We Took a Trip to the Beach & It Wasn’t There?

July 17, 2007
A family trip to the seaside may become an antiquated custom, thanks to global warming. In North Carolina alone, the ocean is expected to rise one foot in the next 25 to 75 years, which would erode 2,000 to 10,000... continued

Earthquakes Shake the Planet

July 17, 2007
At 2:10 PM today GMT, a 6.0 earthquake struck Tanzania andwas felt as far away as Kenya, meaning that Mexico, Peru,Japan and Tanzania have now all been struck by powerfulquakes since July 5. The most serious damage has taken place... continued

Why Cities (& Even Nations) Are?And Are NOT?Sinking

July 16, 2007
UPDATE - We've warned about this before, now BBC News reports that London is definitely sinking. Or maybe the problem is that the Thames is rising. In fact, scientists don't understand why MORE major cities aren't sinking. In BBC News,... continued

The Search For a Planet With Water

July 16, 2007
Researchers are searching the solar system for a planet?like ours?that could sustain life. One of the first things they look for is water. In the July 12 issue of the Independent, Steve Connor writes about the discovery of a planet... continued