Why Cities (& Even Nations) Are?And Are NOT?Sinking

July 16, 2007
UPDATE - We've warned about this before, now BBC News reports that London is definitely sinking. Or maybe the problem is that the Thames is rising. In fact, scientists don't understand why MORE major cities aren't sinking. In BBC News,... continued

The Search For a Planet With Water

July 16, 2007
Researchers are searching the solar system for a planet?like ours?that could sustain life. One of the first things they look for is water. In the July 12 issue of the Independent, Steve Connor writes about the discovery of a planet... continued

If You Eat & Run?Better Be Messy

July 13, 2007
Not everyone gets supersized on a fast food diet?what about the ancient Romans who lived in Pompeii? Since the city was buried beneath a volcano in 70 AD, we can only understand how they lived by studying the artifacts they... continued

How to Predict Where Forest Fires Will Strike

July 13, 2007
It's wildfire season again in California and the West. Researchers have developed a new way to predict when vegetation dries to the point it is most vulnerable to large-scale fires in the Santa Monica Mountains near Los Angeles. This year's... continued

Tai Chi for Robots (& Bird Flu)

July 12, 2007
Tai chi chih, the Westernized version of the 2,000-year-old Chinese martial art characterized by slow movement and meditation, significantly boosts the immune systems of older adults. And researchers are making robots that move more efficiently by teaching them tai chi.... continued

Don’t Blame Sun for Climate Change

July 12, 2007
Despite the fact that sunspot activity has been at an all time high recently, we reported (3 years ago) that the sun can't be blamed for global warming. A new scientific study confirms this. In BBC News, Richard Black writes... continued

Anne’s Diary: A Crime That Goes (Almost) Unnoticed

July 11, 2007
In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: "You often see little kids squeezing their eyes closed and putting their fingers in their ears so they don?t have to see (or hear) anything they don't want to. When we grow up,... continued

Food Fuel

July 11, 2007
While we're all trying to figure out what is the best fuel to burn in our cars, some unexpected sources have turned up with some surprising ideas. BBC News reports that in the UK, McDonald's restaurants (which have been strongly... continued

Planting Trees Doesn’t Always Help

July 11, 2007
In order to fulfill the Kyoto Agreement, some countries volunteered to plant more trees, but it turns out that this doesn't help nearly as much as everyone hoped it would. A new study shows that forests in the US and... continued

Pakistan on the Brink

July 10, 2007
UPDATE - Hundreds of soldiers surrounding the Red Mosque in Islamabadand are preparing to storm the mosque after a standoff thathas lasted since the mosque was isolated by troops lastTuesday. Since then, at least 21 people have been killed inthe... continued