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We May Have a Cure for Cancer
July 9, 2007Almost all of us have lost friends and parents to cancer. Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy can prolong a patient's life, but now there's hope for a real CURE to this dreaded disease. Scientists have learned how to create stem cells... continued
Magician on Coast Tonight
July 9, 2007Magician Brandon Scott will be on Coast to Coast AM on Monday, July 9. This is the magician Anne Strieber went to see when she had her time warp experience with Starfire Tor. Don't miss it! NOTE: This news story,... continued
Monitoring Global Warming From the Moon
July 9, 2007Not everyone thinks we should be investing so much time and money in the ISS, but there's more than one reason to return to the moon: while it's a source of a potentially perfect fuel to some nations, to climate... continued
It’s All About Oil
July 7, 2007Six years ago, Dreamland co-host Jim Marrs said, "It's all about oil." Now the Australian defense minister says the same thing about Iraq. In the Independent, Kathy Marks reports that the Australian Defense Minister Brendan Nelson "admitted that oil was... continued
Is Today Your Lucky Day?
July 7, 2007Many people consider the number 7 to be lucky, so this Saturday, July 7 (which is 7/7/07) must be particularly lucky. July 7 was a very UNlucky day for the British in 2005, since that was the date of the... continued
Chinese Pollution KILLS
July 6, 2007We've reported on how pollution from China is affecting the rest of the world, but China's poisoned air is killing its OWN citizens first! 750,000 people die from pollution-related illnesses every year in that country. It?s gotten so bad that... continued
Intention Experiment Continues on Saturday
July 6, 2007The last one worked, so they?re going to try again: Lynne McTaggart, author of The Intention Experiment, says, "This Saturday, July 7 at 10 am Pacific time, we will be holding our first Germination Intention Experiment. With this experiment, you... continued
Do We Get What We Wish For?
July 6, 2007In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes, "I recently went to tea with two people?one of the young girls who just lost her mother and the girl's aunt. The aunt went on and on about how cancer is a choice,... continued
Newly Discovered Planet May be Suitable for Life
July 5, 2007A couple of months ago, astronomers announced that they had discovered a new planet that might be capable of sustaining life. They got the star right?a brown dwarf called Gliese581?but they picked the wrong planet. Gliese 581c is too hot... continued
New Twist on Bee Emergency
July 5, 2007As Linda Howe has reported on Dreamland, the sudden disappearance of honey bees in many parts of the country may be related to pesticide exposure. The latest reports suggest this is not necessarily due to the pesticides sprayed on the... continued