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Newly Discovered Planet May be Suitable for Life
July 5, 2007A couple of months ago, astronomers announced that they had discovered a new planet that might be capable of sustaining life. They got the star right?a brown dwarf called Gliese581?but they picked the wrong planet. Gliese 581c is too hot... continued
New Twist on Bee Emergency
July 5, 2007As Linda Howe has reported on Dreamland, the sudden disappearance of honey bees in many parts of the country may be related to pesticide exposure. The latest reports suggest this is not necessarily due to the pesticides sprayed on the... continued
Mysterious Clouds Caused by Global Warming
July 4, 2007A new and mysterious type of cloud has been identified by NASA. These bright and shiny clouds originate in the polar regions of the earth, and may be caused by global warming. In LiveScience.com, Dave Mosher quotes atmospheric scientist James... continued
Have Our Wars Helped Women?
July 4, 2007UPDATE - As we celebrate Independence Day, we need to ask ourselves: have our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which were supposed to free those citizens, actually improved the lives of people in those countries, especially women? Alas, the answer... continued
Wild Weather
July 3, 2007Floods Drown Europe, Pakistan, US Midwest as Drought Withers Australia, California - Rarely have such weather extremes been observed as are taking place around the world now. Parts of Australia remain crippled by drought, and Southern California has experienced is... continued
Roswell Witness Deathbed Confession
July 3, 2007UPDATE - In the London Daily Mail, Nick Pope updates the Roswell mystery in an amazing new way. He reports that Lieutenant Walter Haut, who was the public relations officer at the base in 1947 who issued the original press... continued
War Kills People?But Not Animals
July 2, 2007Many things can cause a species to disappear: including poaching (for food or medicine) and habitat destruction. It turns out that one of these things is NOT war. Aerial surveys by the Wildlife Conservation Society confirm the existence of more... continued
Tunguska Mystery Solved
July 2, 2007The event that leveled many acres of trees 100 years ago in Siberia has long been a mystery. The mystery has now been solved. The Tunguska explosion in 1908 was rumored to have been caused by some sort of explosive... continued
Controversial Plan to Soak Up CO2 in Ocean
June 29, 2007An international environmental organization is opposed to a plan to dump iron dust into the ocean near the Galapagos Islands, where it will encourage the growth of plankton, which absorbs carbon dioxide from the air. The tiny sea creatures known... continued
China is a Dangerous Place–for US
June 29, 2007China is not only decimating animal species for use in traditional medicine and selling us dangerous toothpaste, it is becoming a WORLDWIDE polluter. China is now building two new power plants every week. British climate change official John Ashton says... continued