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That Salt Lake Blimp–Mystery Solved…or Not?
June 18, 2007On June 13, a peculiar object was videotaped moving slowlyover Salt Lake City. Despite the fact that the objectexhibits significant mechanical detail in a clear videotape,it has been claimed that it was a mylar blimp owned by a mancalled Daniel... continued
One Kind of Pollution Helps Offset Another
June 18, 2007One type of human pollution is helping to offset another one. One of our major pollutants is nitrogen, which comes from fertilizer run off. Another major pollutant is the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, which comes from car exhausts and power... continued
Marrying Dad
June 15, 2007Researchers have discovered that women marry men who look like their fathers, especially if they had a good relationship with their dads. In the Independent, Steve Connor and Jonathan Brown write, "Husbands and boyfriends: take a good look in the... continued
What are Chemtrails?
June 15, 2007To some extent, what are called "chemtrails" are caused by global warming, since the stratosphere, where planes fly, is getting colder, now that greenhouse gasses are trapping warmth in the troposphere, just below it. This causes jet contrails to freeze,... continued
What Prehistoric Trees Looked Like
June 14, 2007As you walk down a suburban street or take a stroll in the woods, do you ever wonder what the first trees looked like? Scientists now know the answer to that question because they have found some tree trunks that... continued
MORE Good News about Stem Cells
June 14, 2007Stem cells are seen as the future of medicine, but the current administration's opposition to creating them from human embryos has caused scientists to get creative. Now Ian Wilmut, who cloned Dolly the sheep over ten years ago, says that... continued
Elephants & Rhinos May Soon Be Gone
June 13, 2007We've reported that, due to ivory poaching, elephants may be facing extinction. Now it's been discovered that rhinos are in major danger of extinction as well. Both species have body parts--ivory tusks in the case of elephants and a horn... continued
How Moral are You?
June 13, 2007Last year, we wrote about a 1961 experiment at Yale in which a psychologist discovered that ordinary people would give deadly electric shocks to people they didn't know, despite the fact that they could hear their screams, if they were... continued
100 Year Dust Bowl Predicted for US
June 12, 2007Global warming has led to major storms in Australia, China and the Middle East, and Australia has just experienced a major drought. In the USA, it's causing the biggest drought since the Dust Bowl of the 1930s?one that isn't yet... continued
We Finally Know How the Iceman Died
June 12, 2007In 1991, as a result of global warming, a 5,300-year-old corpse was discovered in the melting snow of the Alps. He became known as "Oetzi," after the Oetz Valley where he was found. Scientists have learned a lot about what... continued