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Discovery of a Buried Templar Church
June 21, 2007Six months ago on Dreamland, we interviewed William F. Mann, who talked his family tradition of secret knowledge of the 14th century Templar crossing from Scotland to Canada that happened hundreds of years before Columbus arrived. Now North America's oldest... continued
Extinction: The Latest Victim(s)
June 21, 2007UPDATE - All over the earth, animal species are going extinct at an unprecedented rate. Orangutans were once known as the "old men of the jungle," because they behave so much like humans. Now they may disappear as well. But... continued
Secret of the Water Lilies
June 20, 2007We've reported before about how artists' diseases may have influenced their art. Now researchers think that Monet?s blurred vision, caused by cataracts, may have influenced his famous paintings of water lilies. In the Independent, Jonathan Brown reports that US ophthalmologist... continued
The End of Civilization?
June 20, 2007Six US scientists have issued a warning: civilization is threatened by global warming. These NASA researchers claim that the UN panel on climate change (the IPCC) is UNDERESTIMATING the upcoming sea level rise. In the Independent, Steve Connor quotes NASA's... continued
Is the Space Station Worth It?
June 19, 2007There was a moment of panic down here on earth last week, when the computers aboard the International Space Station (ISS) that control the supply of oxygen and water crashed. As scientists and engineers struggle to get the computers working... continued
We are Running Out of Oil
June 19, 2007Scientists say that our oil reserves are disappearing at a faster rate than our governments and the oil companies are willing to admit. A new report from British Petroleum (BP) says that there are enough "proven" oil reserves to keep... continued
One Kind of Pollution Helps Offset Another
June 18, 2007One type of human pollution is helping to offset another one. One of our major pollutants is nitrogen, which comes from fertilizer run off. Another major pollutant is the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, which comes from car exhausts and power... continued
That Salt Lake Blimp–Mystery Solved…or Not?
June 18, 2007On June 13, a peculiar object was videotaped moving slowlyover Salt Lake City. Despite the fact that the objectexhibits significant mechanical detail in a clear videotape,it has been claimed that it was a mylar blimp owned by a mancalled Daniel... continued
Marrying Dad
June 15, 2007Researchers have discovered that women marry men who look like their fathers, especially if they had a good relationship with their dads. In the Independent, Steve Connor and Jonathan Brown write, "Husbands and boyfriends: take a good look in the... continued
What are Chemtrails?
June 15, 2007To some extent, what are called "chemtrails" are caused by global warming, since the stratosphere, where planes fly, is getting colder, now that greenhouse gasses are trapping warmth in the troposphere, just below it. This causes jet contrails to freeze,... continued