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Anne’s Diary: Race
June 2, 2007In Anne?s new diary, she writes: "A recent altercation at our local Farmer's Market got me to thinking about how segregated the world has become. While everybody on National Public Radio celebrates the 'Rainbow Coalition,' and George Bush tries to... continued
Another Strange Craft Seen in Canada
June 1, 2007First, a bizarre "drone" was seen by at least one witness and possibly photographed on a number of occasions, and now another strange craft has been spotted, leading to the question: are new forms of UFO appearing in our skies?... continued
New Nessie Video Looks Like the Real Thing
June 1, 2007The Loch Ness Monster is probably the most famouscryptozoological mystery in the world, and now new videosuggests that the monster may be real. Cryptozoologsts aresaying that this is among the finest videos ever made of thecreature, and observation of it... continued
Stealth Law Needs to be Changed
May 31, 2007Buried in last year's Defense Authorization Bill were changes to the Insurrection Act that make it possible for a President to easily declare martial law, and now Senator Patrick Leahy (D. Vt.), along with Sen. Kit Bond (R-Mo.), who are... continued
First Pacific Tropical Storm–Already
May 31, 2007Hurricane season has started early: the first named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season has come and gone even before the official start of the season on June 1, and now a storm has developed enough to be named off... continued
Gulf Stream Anomaly May Have Changed UK Weather
May 30, 2007Recently, some scientists have been claiming that the Gulf Stream is more stable than thought, but there is now additional evidence that it is weakening. The Gulf Stream'sflow turned south in early May, and continued moving southward through May 15.... continued
May 30, 2007Passengers on two flights, one from Atlanta to Paris and the other from Prague to Montreal are being urged by the Centers for Disease Control to undergo testing for an "extensively drug-resistant TB, and the passenger diagnosed with the disease... continued
Finger Length
May 29, 2007Your fingers can tell a lot about you. Now it's been discovered that the lengths of children's index and ring fingers can predict how well they will perform on SAT tests. LiveScience.com reports that kids who have longer ring fingers... continued
May 29, 2007Some people are luckier than others. Some people rely on lucky charms. One extremely lucky man in the UK told a judge he did not get rich from embezzling?he got his money because he won the lottery 80 times. In... continued
US Soldiers Going Deaf in Iraq
May 28, 2007We hear so much about soldiers coming home from Iraq with missing limbs due to insurgency bombings, but a more pervasive problem is that gunfire is making many of our soldiers deaf. Gunfire can have a profound impact on soldiers'... continued