Gulf Stream Anomaly May Have Changed UK Weather

May 30, 2007
Recently, some scientists have been claiming that the Gulf Stream is more stable than thought, but there is now additional evidence that it is weakening. The Gulf Stream'sflow turned south in early May, and continued moving southward through May 15.... continued

Finger Length

May 29, 2007
Your fingers can tell a lot about you. Now it's been discovered that the lengths of children's index and ring fingers can predict how well they will perform on SAT tests. reports that kids who have longer ring fingers... continued


May 29, 2007
Some people are luckier than others. Some people rely on lucky charms. One extremely lucky man in the UK told a judge he did not get rich from embezzling?he got his money because he won the lottery 80 times. In... continued

US Soldiers Going Deaf in Iraq

May 28, 2007
We hear so much about soldiers coming home from Iraq with missing limbs due to insurgency bombings, but a more pervasive problem is that gunfire is making many of our soldiers deaf. Gunfire can have a profound impact on soldiers'... continued

NASA Scientist Warns of Catastrophic Climate Change

May 27, 2007
Dr. J. E. Hansen, head of NASA's Goddard Institute for SpaceScience and their lead climate scientist, is warning that sea levels could rise fifteen feet over the next hundred years. He says that the scientific community's fear of saying this... continued

An Essential Food is Going Extinct

May 25, 2007
Sharks and whales aren't the only sea creatures being fished into extinction?the fish that much of the world relies on for food are going extinct as well. Part of the cause may be global warming, but most of it can... continued

Drone Appears on You Tube–But Original Photos Still Stand Up

May 25, 2007
Super-clear photos of a bizarre UFO have caused aninternational sensation, and now CGI experts are showingjust how perfect fakes can be, but so far there is noevidence at all that the 'Chad' photos posted on Flikr, andthe 'Alabama' photo posted... continued

Traveling at the Speed of Light

May 25, 2007
We may be able to travel to that newly discovered Earth-like planet sooner than we think, since a physicist thinks he has found a way to travel close to the speed of light. reports that researcher Franklin Felber is... continued

Another Good Reason to Lose Weight

May 25, 2007
We know that smoking leads to cancer, but bad behavior in general?eating too much and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol?can bring on that dreaded disease as well. In the Independent, Sadie Gray writes that obesity is getting so common in... continued

Shrunken Heads

May 25, 2007
Not many people know that Oxford?the seat of higher learning in the UK?has a special museum dedicated to shrunken heads. These may have to be returned to South America for burial, and if this is the case, an artist has... continued