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Drone Appears on You Tube–But Original Photos Still Stand Up
May 25, 2007Super-clear photos of a bizarre UFO have caused aninternational sensation, and now CGI experts are showingjust how perfect fakes can be, but so far there is noevidence at all that the 'Chad' photos posted on Flikr, andthe 'Alabama' photo posted... continued
Are You Accident Prone?
May 24, 2007Feel stupid since moving to that new apartment? A recent study shows that ceiling height affects your problem-solving skills. Don't bump your head! Another study shows that some people really ARE more accident-prone than others. In LiveScience.com, Ken Mauk quotes... continued
Global Warming May Mean the End of Some Butterflies
May 24, 2007In the UK, 11 species of butterflies are making their earliest recorded appearances this spring, which means they will die off earlier in the season as well, since butterflies typically live for a very short time. Some species of butterflies... continued
911 Changed Brains
May 23, 2007According to a new brain study, people who were close to the World Trade Center when the twin towers toppled on Sept. 11, 2001 now have brains that are more reactive to emotional stimuli than those who were more than... continued
Lie Detectors Don’t Work
May 23, 2007Some people can't help telling lies, and lately, a lot of those people seem to be politicians. That's why the government wants to know if lie detectors (polygraphs) really work. In LiveScience.com, Christopher Wanjek writes that "good liars have little... continued
Weird Aerial Object Haunts California
May 23, 2007At first, the super-clear pictures and the suggestion thatone of the 'wings' on this odd craft had Klingon letters onit made seasoned UFO observers assume that it was a prank.But now additional photographs being received fromindependent sources by Dreamland science... continued
China Pollution May Harm Olympic Athletes
May 22, 2007The Chinese fought hard to gain the right to hold the 2008 summer Olympics in their country. But athletes have a major worry about competing there: air quality, since modern China is a heavily polluted place. If holding the Olympics... continued
Finding the Pain
May 22, 2007Is that pain in your chest a heart attack or indigestion? You can't treat it if you don't know where it is. New research reveals that more areas of the brain than previously thought are involved in determining the location... continued
Changing the Climate by Cutting Down Trees
May 22, 2007We're all worried about the connection between global warming and greenhouse gas emissions. But every day, deforestation?especially cutting down trees in the world's rainforests?releases as much carbon dioxide as most of the world's automobile traffic. In the Independent, Daniel Howden... continued
Psychics Really DO Work With Police
May 21, 2007It's not just a TV show, it's reality: psychics really do help the police solve crimes. Keep reading to find out how you can consult a psychic yourself. In Newsmonster.com, Danny Penman writes: "The Daily Mail has learned that the... continued