Global Warming: An Excuse for GM Food

May 16, 2007
Global warming worries most agricultural experts, since it means that we will have to find new places to grow crops. But there's one group that is HAPPY about it: the people who bring us genetically-modified food. Pressure for consumer acceptance... continued

Ipod Danger

May 16, 2007
Before this, the worst danger we heard of to do with Ipods was a repetitive stress injury known as Ipod finger. Now it turns out that your Ipod or MP3 player can affect your pacemaker. A new study that shows... continued

Mind Toys

May 15, 2007
The newest toys can read kids' minds, which is something to think about the next time you buy a gift for a child. This could be a powerful tool to teach kids the ability to focus their minds and it... continued

MORE UFOs in the UK

May 15, 2007
UFO sightings in the UK continue, with new sightings in Northern Ireland. The BBC reports a UFO sighting in Northern Irleand which looks like "a series of strange orange lights in the night sky." Both Air traffic control at Belfast... continued

Global Warming May Have Killed Off Neanderthals

May 15, 2007
If they hadn't become extinct due to an asteroid impact, dinosaurs would have met their demise anyway, due to climate change. Did global warming also wipe out the Neanderthals? In, Dave Mosher reports that researchers studying one of the... continued

UFOs in US

May 14, 2007
UFOs have been spotted in Michigan and New Jersey recently. A Michigan witness saw "four or five diamond-shaped UFOs." Shortly afterwards, he saw 20 fighter jets chasing them. In New Jersey, a golf ball-sized object that scientists havedetermined was not... continued

Pres. Prepares for Possible D.C. Nuke

May 14, 2007
Recently Whitley Strieber speculated that another terror attack might be on the way?a nuclear attack, this time. On May 10, President Bush issued a national security directive ordering all agencies to preparefor a surprise attack on the Federal government. In... continued

Organic Bee Keepers Not Losing Their Bees

May 14, 2007
We recently reported on the mystery of bees that are disappearing from their hives and being found dead?or not being found at all. Now it turns out that organic beekeepers are not having this problem. The website of the Organic... continued

Whale Emergency

May 11, 2007
We recently wrote about a shark emergency, but whales also seem to be in big trouble. In BBC News, Richard Black reports that Earthwatch has found that whales are arriving at their breeding grounds in Mexico malnourished, and they don't... continued

Dog Wags

May 11, 2007
In the Tuesday, April 24 New York Times, Sandra Blakeslee writes that while we all know that dogs wag their tails to express their feelings, not everyone knows that dogs have a "tail code," meaning you can learn how they... continued