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What’s REALLY GOING ON in Iraq
April 30, 2007We hear news about the Iraq war from the White House all the time, but we rarely hear from the soldiers themselves. Do they feel that the war they are fighting is working?and is it worth it? British soldiers are... continued
The Kindest Cut (Part II)
April 29, 2007We've explained why circumcision is the kindest cut: It helps to prevent AIDS. But what does it do to a man's sex life? Since there are plans to circumcise adult males in Africa, this is a major concern. New Scientist... continued
Annes’ Diary: Goodbye
April 28, 2007In Anne's new diary, she says goodbye to their friend and reflects on how cats may be a conduit to the world of the dead. Don't miss this one! NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will... continued
Plans to Explore New Planet
April 27, 2007We recently reported on the discovery of an Earth-like planet that is fairly nearby (in space terms, anyway). We wrote that astronomers are already making plans to explore it. In the meantime, they can find out if there is life... continued
Pilot Spots Two UFOs
April 27, 2007A pilot has reported seeing two UFOs near the island of Guernsey in the UK. BBC News describes them as "bright yellow flat disc shapes?twice the size of a Boeing 737." Besides being seen by pilot Ray Bowyer, the UFOs... continued
Bee Mystery May Be Solved
April 27, 2007UPDATE - The same researcher who discovered the SARS virus in 2003 has found a microbe that may be causing the downfall of several strains of bees. In the San Francisco Chronicle, Sabin Russell reports that researcher Joe DeRisi conducted... continued
Pet Food Poison in Our Pork?
April 26, 2007UPDATE - Dogs recently became sick (and some died) after eating dog food containing a toxic substance called melamine, which was imported from China. Now CNN reports that the Food and Drug Administration says that the same toxic substance may... continued
Earth-Like Planet Discovered
April 26, 2007Astronomers have found the most Earth-like planet they've ever seen outside our solar system. It should even have water running on its surface. The planet orbits a star which is 20.5 light-years away in the constellation Libra. BBC News quotes... continued
Should Kids Go to School All the Time?
April 26, 2007Researchers are trying to figure out why low-income children lag behind their more privileged classmates in high school graduation rates and college attendance. Some of them think that the difference in children's future academic success can be explained, in part,... continued
Video Game Violence
April 25, 2007Do crime sprees like the recent shootings at Virginia Tech have anything to do with the prevalence of violent video games? New research gives concrete evidence of the adverse effects of violent video game exposure on the behavior of children... continued