The Good Guys Won?in a Conservative Court!

April 3, 2007
While global warming has definitely been traced to greenhouse gas emissions?and a major source of these emissions is automobiles?new technology for producing cars that reduce this problem has not been forthcoming, mainly because the government has not been willing to... continued

Why We’re Here: Mammals Liked to Smell the Flowers

April 3, 2007
Researchers now think that evolution has more do to with "flower power" than with an asteroid wiping out the dinosaurs, giving us mammals a chance to take over. In the Independent, Steve Connor reports that a student of the 4,500... continued

How Can You Be Sure Those Dishes are Clean?

April 3, 2007
The highest bacteria counts can sometimes be found where you least expect them. Kitchen counters are breeding places for germs?but what about restaurants? Most restaurants use automatic dishwashers, but small restaurants and bars often wash dishes and glassware by hand.... continued

Anne’s Easter Wish

April 2, 2007
In Anne's new diary, she has an Easter wish for everyone, and it's not the one you expect! NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued

West Coast Polluted by Coal Burned in China

April 2, 2007
More than three-quarters of the dangerous particulate pollution known as black carbon that blows through the West Coast in the spring comes from Asian sources. China's new industrialization movement burns a lot of coal, which means that we won't be... continued

Genital Fire Outrages Surgery Patient

April 1, 2007
Surgeons in Denmark accidentally set fire to a patient'sgenitals while doing routine surgery to remove a mole on hisleft buttock, local authorities in Kjellerup report. The 30year old man had an attack of flatulence during the surgery,which led to a... continued

Papal Palm Sunday Procession Gets Lost

April 1, 2007
For seven hundred years, the annual papal Palm Sundayprocession has followed approximately the same route, butthis year the pope took a wrong turn, leading thousands downalleys, through a coffee bar and into a rail yard, where theprocession degenerated into a... continued

No More April Fools Stories

April 1, 2007
In the past, has posted false stories onApril 1, in an attempt to dupe unwitting readers. Often,this was successful, as readers were convinced by storiessuch as one that maintained that elderly Tyrannosaurus Rexesused gigantic canes when they became arthritic... continued

Human Genes Used to Create Super Chimp

April 1, 2007
A chimpanzee capable of doing simple tasks such asrepetitive factory work has been created in the laboratoryby modifying the brain of a chimpanzee embryo with humanDNA. The chimp has a measurable IQ of 68, well within therange necessary to accomplish... continued

Jet Has Close Call With Meteorite

March 30, 2007
Flaming debris that was moving so fast that it broke the sound barrier almost hit a jet plane that was landing in New Zealand. NASA says it couldn?t have come from a satellite, so experts think that the passenger jet... continued