Cars That Fix Their Own Dents

April 5, 2007
Thanks to a recent court decision, we can look forward to cars that are less polluting. Soon we may be able to buy a car that can fix itself. Researchers are working to create metals that "remember" their original shapes... continued

An Unnoticed Casualty of Global Warming: Coral

April 5, 2007
We humans have been trying to figure out how we will be affected by global warming, and we realize that other species, such as penguins and polar bears, are vulnerable as well. But something we rarely notice?coral?may perish in the... continued

Brits Kidnapped by Iran in Retaliation for US Kidnap Attempt

April 4, 2007
This hasn't yet been reported in the US media, but Patrick Cockburn reports in the British newspaper the Independent that the 15 British sailors who are being held by the Iranian military were kidnapped on March 23 because of a... continued

It’s Hard to Feel Sorry for Sharks, But?

April 4, 2007
Sometimes sharks like to eat US when we're swimming, but without them, WE'RE not going to be able to eat much shellfish. Fewer big sharks in the oceans led to the destruction of North Carolina?s bay scallop fishery and inhibits... continued

Global Warming: The Biggest Risk is Floods

April 4, 2007
Our government is finally going to be forced to pay attention to the problem of global warming, but what we all want to know is, how does global warming affect us? The biggest?and earliest?effect will be FLOODING of coast cities... continued

The Good Guys Won?in a Conservative Court!

April 3, 2007
While global warming has definitely been traced to greenhouse gas emissions?and a major source of these emissions is automobiles?new technology for producing cars that reduce this problem has not been forthcoming, mainly because the government has not been willing to... continued

Why We’re Here: Mammals Liked to Smell the Flowers

April 3, 2007
Researchers now think that evolution has more do to with "flower power" than with an asteroid wiping out the dinosaurs, giving us mammals a chance to take over. In the Independent, Steve Connor reports that a student of the 4,500... continued

How Can You Be Sure Those Dishes are Clean?

April 3, 2007
The highest bacteria counts can sometimes be found where you least expect them. Kitchen counters are breeding places for germs?but what about restaurants? Most restaurants use automatic dishwashers, but small restaurants and bars often wash dishes and glassware by hand.... continued

Anne’s Easter Wish

April 2, 2007
In Anne's new diary, she has an Easter wish for everyone, and it's not the one you expect! NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued

West Coast Polluted by Coal Burned in China

April 2, 2007
More than three-quarters of the dangerous particulate pollution known as black carbon that blows through the West Coast in the spring comes from Asian sources. China's new industrialization movement burns a lot of coal, which means that we won't be... continued