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No More April Fools Stories
April 1, 2007In the past, Unknowncountry.com has posted false stories onApril 1, in an attempt to dupe unwitting readers. Often,this was successful, as readers were convinced by storiessuch as one that maintained that elderly Tyrannosaurus Rexesused gigantic canes when they became arthritic... continued
Human Genes Used to Create Super Chimp
April 1, 2007A chimpanzee capable of doing simple tasks such asrepetitive factory work has been created in the laboratoryby modifying the brain of a chimpanzee embryo with humanDNA. The chimp has a measurable IQ of 68, well within therange necessary to accomplish... continued
Jet Has Close Call With Meteorite
March 30, 2007Flaming debris that was moving so fast that it broke the sound barrier almost hit a jet plane that was landing in New Zealand. NASA says it couldn?t have come from a satellite, so experts think that the passenger jet... continued
Mysterious Hexagon in Space
March 30, 2007A mysterious hexagon-shaped image can be seen in space, floating above the storms that swirl around the north pole on Saturn. Astronomers want to know what it is. In New Scientist, Maggie Mckee reports that astronomers have long known about... continued
Are They Coming and If So, What Do We Do?
March 30, 2007In Whitley Strieber's provocative new journal, he writes, "It is possible that the visitors are about to show up. I am not saying that this will happen, but only that this is a time when it could happen, and there... continued
Unconfirmed Report of UFO Landing in Somalia
March 30, 2007A mysterious device that is described as looking like "a satellite or UFO" has landed in Somalia. In Shabelle.net, Mohamed Amiin reports that the large device fell to earth almost a week ago with a loud noise. He quotes Ilyas... continued
Possible US Troop Build-Up on Iran Border
March 29, 2007More news about US militaryactivity nearthe Iran border: The Russian News & Information Agency(NOVOSTI) reports that Russian military intelligence is seeing a US troop build up along Iran's border with Iraq. This couldindicate a pending invasion of Iran OR it... continued
Jets Scramble After UFO in UK
March 29, 2007The Bury Free Press in the UK reports that in Bury St. Edmunds, jets from the Royal Air Force were scrambled to intercept a UFO. A UFO group there has posted a recording which they say provides proof that "that... continued
Trash That’s SAFE to Toss in the Ocean
March 29, 2007We've written about the problem of trash on Mars, but the REAL problem is with trash in the ocean?especially non-biodegradable PLASTIC trash. Now researchers have come up with plastic that?s safe to dump in the sea. Researchers have come up... continued
Global Warming: What We’ll Lose
March 28, 2007A new global warming study predicts what current climates will VANISH entirely by the year 2100, replaced by climates that are unknown in today's world. Global climate models for the next century forecast the complete disappearance of several existing climates... continued