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Why Soft Drinks are So Bad for You
March 23, 2007We recently published an article telling why drinking any kind of cola is bad for your bones. New research shows that soft drinks are one of the primary causes of the obesity epidemic in the US?AND they rot your teeth!... continued
UFOs: French Say 25% of Sightings Unexplained
March 23, 2007While the US still keeps our UFO files undercover, Canada and the UK have begun declassifying theirs. France is the leader in this: it has declassified its files on UFOs and even has a website that documents over 1,500 sightings... continued
Gays in the Military–MORE UPDATES!
March 23, 2007In Anne's latest diary, she criticizes Gen. Peter Pace's statement that gay people are "immoral" and don't belong in the armed forces, and talks about how almost all the gay men she knows have already BEEN in the military. She... continued
Tea Tree Danger
March 22, 2007We've reported on why baby bottles are dangerous for boys. Now we've discovered another danger for growing boys: tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a substance from Australia that is found in drinks, lotions and shampoos commonly sold in... continued
Does Rain Lead to Earthquakes?
March 22, 2007"April showers bring May flowers"?but do they also bring earthquakes? There seemed to be no connection to these two phenomena?until now. In New Scientist, Michael Reilly report on the research of Lizet Christiansen, who works for the US Geological Survey.... continued
How Can We Tell Who Has Nukes?
March 21, 2007We're all nervous about the fact that Iran and North Korea may have nuclear warheads?so much so, that some countries are considering preliminary strikes against Iran. We know from the Valerie Plame affair that governments often have reasons to lie... continued
Garbage Fuel
March 21, 2007New biofuels technology can turn virtually any fat source, including vegetable oils and animal fat, into fuel to power jet airplanes. Soon we may not just be recycling or glass, paper and cans, we'll be recycling our cooking oil as... continued
TV Ads for Meds May Make Us Sick
March 21, 2007We've recently reported on subliminal ads on TV, but the constant barrage of advertisements for new medicines are anything but subtle! Do the prescription drug ads we see on TV make us think we're sick when we're not? These ads... continued
2012: the War for Souls–Whitley’s New Book and Movie
March 20, 2007Whitley Strieber, whose book The Coming Global Superstorm (written with Art Bell) was made into the hit film The Day After Tomorrow, has sold his new novel "2012" to Warner Brothers. His current novel, The Grays, is being made into... continued
Arizona Gov. Admits Seeing Phoenix Lights
March 20, 2007Ten years after the Arizona UFO incident known as the Phoenix Lights, former Arizona Republican Governor Fife Symington III, has told journalistLeslie Kean that he himselfwas a witness to one of the strange unidentified flying objects, even though he originally... continued