Why Intuition is So Important

March 16, 2007
Scientists are now saying that what your mother told you was true: we need to learn to trust our intuition, and that this works especially well when it comes to taking tests. The LiveScience.com website reports that in a recent... continued

If Pot is the Only Thing Keeping Her Alive, Let Her Die

March 15, 2007
One of the most horrifying acts of judicial barbarism in American history has just occurred, in yet another example of the insanity of our ineffective drug laws: A federal appeals court has decided that if the only thing that will... continued

Can We Spot Terrorists BEFORE They Strike?

March 15, 2007
In a German research facility, researcher John-Dylan Haynes is reading the minds of volunteers with an MRI machine. He is scanning their brains while they make simple decisions, such as whether or not to add or subtract two numbers. The... continued

When Will Yellowstone Blow?

March 15, 2007
Our National Parks may be changing radically?very soon. One of the world's largest supervolcanoes is beneath Yellowstone National Park. It's "sleeping" right now, but if it "wakes up," it could destroy parts of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, and there is... continued

Maurice Cotterell on Coast Sunday

March 15, 2007
Maurice Cotterell, who has been a popular guest on Dreamland, will be Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell on Sunday, March 18, starting at 10 p.m. Pacific. He will talk about his recent discovery about gravity, which he presented... continued

What Do You REALLY See?

March 14, 2007
Subliminal messages ARE registered by our brains?despite the fact that we don't consciously see them. Alfred Hitchcock wove frames of the subliminal image of a skull-and-crossbones into his films in order to increase the tension for viewers. These went by... continued

Phoenix Lights on Coast TONIGHT

March 14, 2007
Dr. Lynne Kitei, who has been a frequent guest on Dreamland, will be on Coast to Coast a.m. on Wednesday, March 14 from 10 to 11 p.m. Pacific, talking with George Noory about the Phoenix Lights, which were seen by... continued

Fixing the Ozone Hole HELPED

March 14, 2007
Good news: the ozone hole is closing, due to a 1987 international agreement that banned the use of ozone-destroying chemicals. Even better news: this is good for global warming too, since chloroflurocarbons (CFCs?which were once used in air conditioners, refrigerators... continued

More Extreme Cruelty to Whales

March 14, 2007
We've recently written about the cruelty against whales by Japanese hunters who separate members of pods so that orcas can be exhibited in aquariums. Now scientists are learning how blue whales "sing" to each other in order to communicate over... continued

UFO Memories are NOT Repressed

March 13, 2007
People who have UFO experiences are often told to turn to hypnosis in order to unlock their memories. One problem is that incompetent hypnosis can lead to these memories being lost or distorted. It?s long been assumed that victims of... continued