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The Race for Helium 3 Continues
March 7, 2007The space race continues: after China announced it is going to the moon in order to scoop up the valuable Helium 3 fuel for its fusion reactors, Europe and Russia said they were going too, then NASA said it was... continued
Bee Warning System
March 7, 2007We've written about how mice and roaches can help detect bioterrorism. Now we've learned that bees can too?assuming there will be any left to do so. Researchers have discovered that bees communicate with each other by doing what may be... continued
Killer Potatoes
March 7, 2007Federal courts in the US are cracking down on GM foods, and now this is happening in the UK as well. Monsanto has been accused of suppressing a study of GM potatoes that showed that they damaged the internal organs... continued
Whitley on Satellite Radio TODAY
March 7, 2007Whitley will be talking on the Sirius radio show Angels on Call, hosted by psychic Mary Occhino, on Wednesday, March 7. The show runs from 5 to 8 a.m. Pacific (8-11 a.m. Eastern), and Whitley will be on from 7-8... continued
GM Crops Being Declared Illegal
March 6, 2007Federal Courts have ruled against the USDA in three cases for failing to carry out proper environment impact assessment, making their original approvals of GM crops illegal. One of the biggest problems with these crops is that they pollute nearby... continued
Marijuana Medicine
March 6, 2007We've written before about how some people think Marijuana is a wonder drug. Now a new scientific study proves that Marijuana is a "valuable medicine" for certain types of intractable pain that cannot be relieved any other way. This should... continued
Comfort Food
March 6, 2007Scientific studies of why broccoli and Brussels sprouts taste too bitter to some people but are liked by others have revealed that it's all in our genes: being wary of bitterness enabled the ancestors of some of us to survive.... continued
Incredible William Henry Insight & New Whitley Journal
March 6, 2007UPDATE - In his provocative new Insight, Dreamland co-host William Henry gives us his impressions of the recent Discovery Channel special The Lost Tomb of Jesus, which he discusses with Laurence Gardner in on this week?s Dreamland. William writes, "In... continued
See the Phoenix Lights
March 5, 2007Over a decade ago, on March 13, 1997, mysterious lights were seen in the sky by Dr. Lynne Kitei, who made a film about them. As part of the anniversary celebration, screenings of the updated version of The Phoenix Lights... continued
Big Business Comes Through
March 5, 2007For many years we have said that one of the ways that EVERYONE can help fight global warming is by simply changing your light bulbs. Soon it's going to be easier than ever. General Electric has re-engineered incandescent bulbs to... continued