More UFO Sightings in UK

March 1, 2007
Elements of the military in the UK feelthat UFOs may be a threat. The Islington Gazette in the UK is in the middle of a major controversy due to a video of a possible UFO sighting, which was witnessed by... continued

Ghostly Image

March 1, 2007
In our free weekly newsletter, we recently posted a photo of what looks like a ghost that was sent to us by a reader. To join in the fun,click here. Not only is it free, our strict privacy policymeans that... continued

BBC Announced 9/11 Building 7 Collapse Before It Happened

February 28, 2007
Video of a BBC News broadcast from the World Trade Centerarea on 9/11 has surfaced revealing that the BBC reportedthe collapse of Building 7 approximately 23 minutes beforeit actually went down. The reporter is seen in the videoapparently reading a... continued

The End of Elephants

February 28, 2007
African elephants are being slaughtered for their ivory at a rate unprecedented since an international convention banning ivory trade took effect in 1989. If something isn?t done soon, we may not be able to save these magnificent creatures from extinction... continued

Winning the Fight (Part II)

February 28, 2007
We're finally winning the fight against cancer. Will we beat Alzheimer's next? It's been one hundred years since Alzheimer's disease was first described, and yet our best treatments in development for the disease are still highly toxic drugs. But new... continued

Breathtaking New Journal from Whitley

February 28, 2007
Whitley's Journals are always provocative, but his new journal entry will open your eyes in a way he has never done before! In it, he indites not only the current government, but the mainstream media as well, for refusing to... continued

Subscribers: Chat With Nick Pope TODAY!

February 27, 2007
This Saturday, March 3, from 10 to 11 a.m. Pacific, subscribers will have a chance to chat with British UFO researcher Nick Pope, who is investigating a newly released set of UK military documents which reveal that the British government,... continued

Military Coup if We Attack Iran?

February 27, 2007
UPDATE - We recently delivered a warning that, despite all denials, the US is getting ready to bomb Iran?or perhaps have Israel do the job for us. In the March 5th issue of the New Yorker, Seymour Hersh says we... continued

Global Warming: Can ETs Save Us?

February 27, 2007
After retired US Air Force General Phil Corso, whom Whitley knew personally, told former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer that the 1947 Roswell UFO crash took place, Hellyer went public about the cover-up. In the upcoming screening of a new... continued

Airbags Can Cause Deafness

February 27, 2007
An airbag can save your life in a car crash?but it can also cause you to go deaf. Researchers estimate that 17% percent of the people who are exposed to deployed airbags in American cars will suffer from permanent hearing... continued