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The End of Elephants
February 28, 2007African elephants are being slaughtered for their ivory at a rate unprecedented since an international convention banning ivory trade took effect in 1989. If something isn?t done soon, we may not be able to save these magnificent creatures from extinction... continued
Subscribers: Chat With Nick Pope TODAY!
February 27, 2007This Saturday, March 3, from 10 to 11 a.m. Pacific, subscribers will have a chance to chat with British UFO researcher Nick Pope, who is investigating a newly released set of UK military documents which reveal that the British government,... continued
Military Coup if We Attack Iran?
February 27, 2007UPDATE - We recently delivered a warning that, despite all denials, the US is getting ready to bomb Iran?or perhaps have Israel do the job for us. In the March 5th issue of the New Yorker, Seymour Hersh says we... continued
Global Warming: Can ETs Save Us?
February 27, 2007After retired US Air Force General Phil Corso, whom Whitley knew personally, told former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer that the 1947 Roswell UFO crash took place, Hellyer went public about the cover-up. In the upcoming screening of a new... continued
Airbags Can Cause Deafness
February 27, 2007An airbag can save your life in a car crash?but it can also cause you to go deaf. Researchers estimate that 17% percent of the people who are exposed to deployed airbags in American cars will suffer from permanent hearing... continued
Smoking Cigarettes Can Make You Blind
February 26, 2007Teenagers fear blindness more than lung cancer or stroke, but nine out of 10 don't know that smoking can rob them of their sight in later life. The findings are based on the responses of 260 clubbers aged between 16... continued
Huge Ice Blocks Falling from Sky
February 26, 2007Huge blocks of ice are still falling from the sky and they're still being blamed on passing airplanes, even though we have shown that they are actually caused by global warming. This has happened twice so far this year in... continued
February 26, 2007You can't convict a killer without a body, and now scientists have discovered a new way to locate hidden graves. They're also using CSI techniques to determine if ancient peoples wore plaid (or its equivalent). Experts have discovered almost 500... continued
Asteroid Threat Continues
February 23, 2007In the last few years we've had some near misses with asteroids and will again in the future. A team of scientists and engineers are striving to save humanity from asteroid impacts that could threaten life on earth. Richard Fork... continued
Big Business Addresses Global Warming
February 23, 2007When it comes to the health of ourselves and our planet, big business, which is invested in short-term profits, is usually the enemy of long term planning. Oil companies have even spread disinformation about global warming. But that may finally... continued