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Searching for a Lover Online? Watch Out!
February 14, 2007A new study reveals that online daters, both men and women, usually fib about either their height or weight, and sometimes their age. In their internet ads, men systematically overestimated their height, while women more commonly underestimated their weight. Communications... continued
Bee Emergency Bigger Than Ever
February 14, 2007Mites, pesticides and extreme winter weather are being blamed for the loss of billions of bees just as they are needed to pollinate crops nationwide. The number of honeybee colonies in the US has dropped by 50% in the past... continued
How to Keep Your Lover Loyal
February 14, 2007Will your new lover cheat on you? One way to avoid this is to make sure the two of you are genetically compatible. A new study shows that a group of genes that are involved in your immune system can... continued
Romance at the Movies
February 13, 2007Women: Don't be afraid to suggest a romantic film for Valentine's Day. New research shows that men like "women's films" as much as women do. "Chick flicks" aren't just for women. According to psychologist Richard Harris, who made a study... continued
UFO Wave Continues
February 13, 2007The recent wave of UFO sightings is still going on. A local TV station in Winston-Salem North Carolina reports that strange objects have been seen in the sky. Witness Jamarus Crews took a photo of one of them on his... continued
Nudity the Norm?
February 13, 2007Does the fact that Greek vases depict figures in the nude mean that the ancient Greeks saw beauty in the human body?as artists have throughout time?or at the Greeks often went without clothes? In LiveScience.com, Corey Binns quotes historian Jeffrey... continued
February 12, 2007Governments can't seem to stop bickering long enough to do anything practical about global warming, so a UK entrepreneur has taken things into his own hands: Richard Branson, the CEO of Virgin Records and Virgin airlines, has offered a $25... continued
The Truth About Valentine’s Day
February 12, 2007Why February 14? Is it because it's so cold, and thus a good time to cuddle under the blankets? There's much more to it that that. Psychologist Galdino Pranzarone knows all about the origin, history and symbolism of Valentine's Day.... continued
Your Computer is Constantly Under Attack
February 12, 2007Are hackers trying to get into your computer right now? And what are they up to? A recent university study reveals that computers with internet access are attacked an average of every 39 seconds. Engineer Michel Cukier, at the University... continued
Can You Think Yourself Thin?
February 9, 2007Since Valentine's Day is coming soon, when many of us will receive gifts of chocolate, this is something that is important to know. We DO know on the same diet, some people gain weight, while others do not. So why... continued