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Happy Map
February 7, 2007The way to be happy may be to live in a country where everyone else is happy too. If you live in Denmark, you live in the happiest country in the world. Switzerland, Austria and Iceland are next, in that... continued
Make Your Flu Shot Work Better
February 6, 2007It's flu season, and we hope you've gotten your flu vaccination this year (it's a myth that flu shots give you the flu?they can't. But it sometimes seems that way when people have already been exposed to the flu virus... continued
Dangerous Cutbacks in Weather Research
February 6, 2007We recently wrote about how the administration is forcing climate scientists to use fake science to "explain" global warming. Now it turns out that states like Florida will not even have access to the REAL science they do. This is... continued
Can You Get Bird Flu from Eating Turkey?
February 6, 2007Two years ago, the dreaded bird flu arrived in the UK along with a parrot imported from South America. Now bird flu has been found there on a turkey farm. Almost 160,000 birds on a single farm will be killed,... continued
Can We TURN OFF Mad Cow?
February 6, 2007A new treatment may be able to REVERSE Mad Cow Disease in humans. It works in mice. Blocking the production of certain proteins in the brains of diseased mice completely reverses the memory loss caused by Mad Cow. Will it... continued
Only Ten Years Left
February 5, 2007The February 2nd report by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says that human activities, in the form of greenhouse gas emissions, are the cause of global warming. Some scientists think we only have a decade left to try... continued
Sneaky Snakes
February 5, 2007We're afraid of poisonous snakes, but most snakes have no venom and therefore are not dangerous. What can a non-poisonous snake do to ward off predators? One type of snake has developed its own version of the "poison ring" that... continued
Who Built Stonehenge?
February 5, 2007We've posted many news stories over the years about trying to discover the identity of the builders of Stonehenge. Now archeologists have found a entire workers' village of about 25 houses buried about 2 miles away from the prehistoric observatory.... continued
Huge Catastrophe in Florida as UN Warns: Worse to Come
February 2, 2007At least fourteen people were killed in Florida last nightas powerful storms swept across the center of the stateafter midnight. Officials provided as much as fifteenminutes of warning, but many of the affected areas arerural, and residents could not hear... continued
The Secret Behind Groundhog Day
February 2, 2007UPDATE - February 2nd is Groundhog Day, when Punxsutawney Phil either emerges from his hole for good (meaning spring is on the way) or comes out, sees his shadow, then runs back inside (meaning winter isn't yet over). UPDATE: Phil... continued