The Secret Behind Groundhog Day

February 2, 2007
UPDATE - February 2nd is Groundhog Day, when Punxsutawney Phil either emerges from his hole for good (meaning spring is on the way) or comes out, sees his shadow, then runs back inside (meaning winter isn't yet over). UPDATE: Phil... continued

UFOs in Hawaii

February 1, 2007
On January 26, a pair of UFOs was seen in Hawaii by several people. Witness Peter Hollingworth, who lives in Honolulu, describes his sighting as "these two little fireballs with a stream behind it." He says they "looked kind of... continued

United UFO Pix Likely Hoax

February 1, 2007
National UFO Reporting Center director Peter Davenportreports that he has spoken to a direct witness of the UFOevent over O'Hare Airport, who says that the UFO imagepublished on this website and elsewhere was not what wasseen. Because an original, unretouched... continued

Fake Science About a Real Threat

February 1, 2007
Major scientists have long charged that the Bush administration pushes pseudo-science, based on belief and denial, that caters to politics and big business. Now Rep. Henry Waxman (D-California) has revealed that every time his committee has tried to get documents... continued

Strange Encounters in Pennsylvania

February 1, 2007
In our latest Insight, Stan Gordon writes that "Pennsylvania has had a long history of encounters of the unusual kind. From yearly sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects to observations of mysterious creatures, the 2006 year was no exception, as mysterious... continued

Not True That No Two are Alike

January 31, 2007
We've always heard that no two snowflakes are alike. It seems impossible?and it turns out that it IS impossible. Scientists are studying snowflakes because they think they may play an important role in global warming. Snowflakes are created when snow... continued

English (and Irish) Destroy Health Benefits of Tea

January 31, 2007
As we've reported before, tea has great health benefits?especially green tea. But it turn out that putting milk into tea, as the English and Irish do, destroys these benefits. And green tea may not really be more healthy?it may just... continued

Suburban Sprawl GOOD for Wildlife

January 31, 2007
Urban sprawl might not be as harmful to wildlife as previously thought. When biologists compared the diversity of bird populations in natural forests, tree plantations and "exurban" (urban sprawl) areas in Tennessee, they found that tree plantations had substantially less... continued

Ice Block Crushes Car

January 30, 2007
There has been yet another mysterious ice fall, this time in Florida, and this time it crushed a car. Given the fact that these incidents are now being recorded with such regularity, it seems only a question of before death... continued

Global Warming: A Vicious Circle

January 30, 2007
Climatologists are getting ready to issue a new report that says global warming will be a more gradual process than the researchers who predict sudden climate change say it will be. But that may not be accurate. Researchers are frantically... continued