Too Fat or TOO SKINNY?

January 26, 2007
At the same time that the average American is getting too fat, actresses and models are becoming too skinny (and setting a dangerous precedent for ordinary women). Dr. Eric van Furth, president of the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED) says,... continued

Can You Catch Bird Flu on an Airplane?

January 26, 2007
It may be safe to travel to countries (mostly in Asia) that have bird flu, but it's not necessarily safe to travel on an airplane with people who have it! Viruses are easily passed around in the confined air of... continued

Future Warming: Mud Evidence

January 25, 2007
According to a new report by climatologists, global warming will get much worse in the future. Other researchers, who are looking at frozen mud cores to try to understand just how bad it got in the past, confirm this conclusion.... continued

Which is Better, Red or White?

January 25, 2007
By now, most of us have heard about the health benefits of red wine, which contains a heart-healthy substance called resveratrol. Red wine is wine made from grapes with the skins left on--in white wine, the skins are removed before... continued

Dangerous Accident in a Bird Flu Lab

January 25, 2007
Scientists are working hard to learn the secrets of bird flu?before it takes us by surprise. But the virus could enter the population from the scientists themselves, if we aren?t careful. For instance, a lab in Texas recently almost leaked... continued

Stay Healthy: Drink Coffee!

January 24, 2007
We recently wrote about how chicken soup REALLY IS good for cold symptoms. Now it turns out that drinking coffee is a good way to prevent yourself from getting more serious diseases. Moderate consumption of coffee is being shown to... continued

Diamonds in Space

January 24, 2007
The new movie ?Blood Diamond? tells about the perils of mining diamonds here on earth. But soon this may not be a problem, since we will be able to mine diamonds in space?or else create them artificially. Rare, black diamonds... continued

Mysterious Ice Blocks Continue to Fall From the Sky

January 24, 2007
For years, huge blocks of ice have been slamming to earth worldwide. It's usually assumed that these come from airplanes, although this has been disproved over and over again, and each incident is treated by the local media in the... continued

Why It’s Harder to Quit

January 23, 2007
Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances in the world. A reanalysis of amounts of nicotine in major brand name cigarettes sold in Massachusetts from 1997 to 2005 has confirmed what reseachers have long suspected: manufacturers have steadily increased... continued

More Signs of Bird Flu?

January 23, 2007
We recently reported on hundreds of dead birds being found on the ground, and even hanging from the trees, in Australia and various cities in the US. Now even more of them are showing up in Australia. reports that... continued