Dalai Lama Brain Science

January 22, 2007
In the January 19 edition of the Wall Street Journal, Sharon Begley, author of Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Power to Transform Ourselves, describes how the Dalai Lama is working with neurologists... continued

Where Will Global Warming Strike Next?

January 22, 2007
There is very little snow in the mountains, all over the world. In the US, Alaska seems to be the first victim of global warming. How is climate change going to affect where the weather where YOU live? The weather... continued

MORE UFOs in Iran

January 20, 2007
We may be about to invade Iran and at the same time, UFO sightings there continue. A glowing yellow UFO with a red center was spotted over the city of Bouyer Ahmad in Iran on Wednesday. The FARS News Agency... continued

Record Storms Sweep Entire Northern Hemisphere

January 20, 2007
From a billion dollar crop loss in California to devastating windstorms across Europe, the Northern Hemisphere is in the grip of some of the worst winter weather seen in decades, and additional severe blasts are predicted for the weekend and... continued

Breathtaking New Journal from Whitley!

January 20, 2007
In his new journal Superstorms, Aliens and the Bomb, Whitley Strieber says: "As I write this, there is a phenomenal story on Unknowncountry.com that discusses the terrible weather presently sweeping the whole western world, literally from California to Poland. This... continued

Stephen Hawking in Space

January 19, 2007
Quantum physicist Stephen Hawking says we need to take action to try to offset global warming. He also plans to go into space, and wants to take a zero-gravity flight in airplane soon in order to get ready for the... continued

It’s the Cold Season Again?What Can You Do?

January 19, 2007
When temperatures dip, most people spend more time indoors?where they may have prolonged contact with others who may be sick. You catch a cold by hand-to-hand contact with someone who has already has one, or by using shared objects such... continued

How Did 911 Affect YOU?

January 19, 2007
Not everyone reacted the same way to the 911 terrorist attack. A study by psychologists has found that people's gender and ethnicity predicted their immediate response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks AND their general state of health over the next... continued

To Look for the Future, Consult the Past

January 18, 2007
One reason to protect the Amazon rain forest is that we are still discovering major new drugs there. For thousands of years, people around the world have lived intimately with botanical healing agents and evolved effective healing traditions, and pharmaceutical... continued

A Vacuum in Space

January 18, 2007
Dark matter is a mystery, but some things about it are known. It?s an invisible form of matter whose total mass in the universe is more than five times that of "normal" matter (atoms). Astronomers think that our universe is... continued