Another Green Fireball?This Time in Singapore

January 9, 2007
We recently wrote about mysterious orange orbs that were spotted in the UK. Back in the 1940s, a long series of green fireball events took place over the western United States, accompanied by some of history's most significant UFO sightings,... continued

2007 Will be the Hottest Year Yet

January 8, 2007
This is the time of year when people make predictions for the New Year. Scientists make predictions too, and meteorologists say that 2007 will be the hottest year ever recorded, all over the world. There's a 60% chance that 2007... continued

Cow Gas

January 8, 2007
If you have too much corn, you try to find a way to use it for fuel. If you have lots of cows, you do the same thing. Cow manure, waste silage, cheese whey are waste products to some, but... continued

Never Wash Your Underwear Again

January 8, 2007
First the Japanese invented a cloak that makes the wearer invisible. Now someone has invented underwear that never needs to be washed (good for the military) and a shirt you can spray onto your skin from a can (perfect for... continued

What?s It Like? (Part IV)

January 8, 2007
In her latest diary, Anne Strieber writes: "I've lived through some exciting times in the past few years that I've shared with you: What it's like to go to the premiere of a major motion picture and the premiere of... continued

Does Big Oil Lie About Global Warming?

January 5, 2007
A new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists claimsthat ExxonMobil has adopted the tobacco industry's disinformation tactics to cloud the scientific understanding of climate change and delay action on the issue. According to the report, between 1998 and 2005,... continued

Mystery Object Crashes Through Roof

January 5, 2007
An object about the size of a golf ball and weighing 13 ounces crashed through the roof of a Monmouth, NJ home at approximately 9PM local time on Tuesday. The object was tested by the Monmouth County Office of Emergency... continued

Parrot Can Carry on Conversation

January 5, 2007
An African Gray parrot named N'kisi seems to have a vocabulary of 950 words, as well as a sense of humor. He is currently being studied by chimp expert Jane Goodall, as well as by researcher Rupert Sheldrake. Alex Kirby... continued

Will We Soon Regrow Severed Limbs?

January 4, 2007
What if victims of terrorism, who have had their limbs hacked off, could grow a new one? What if a paralyzed person could grow a new spine?or someone with heart disease could grow a new heart? This might be something... continued

Another Case of Drowning

January 4, 2007
We recently wrote about how an island nation is drowning in India. Here in the US, Alaska is facing major weather changes. Now, due to the rise in the ocean levels, an island off South Carolina is disappearing. A photo... continued