Possible UFO Crash in Iran

January 12, 2007
UPDATE: There were preliminary reports of a possible hugeexplosion inthe Iranian desert on Thursday, but these have not been followed up in the general media.Click here to read one of the reports.Last week we reported a dramatic UFO incident in... continued

Whitley’s Journal: Strange Days

January 12, 2007
In Whitley's new journal, he writes: "I have been boggled by the number of high strangeness events being reported on my website recently. There are mysterious bird deaths and strange meteors all over the world, and a sudden odor of... continued

Next Solar Cycle May Be Largest Ever Recorded

January 12, 2007
We have reported before that the upcoming 2010-2011 solar cycle is expected to be large. Now, continuing studies of the sun have led solar scientists to predict that it may turn out to be the largest ever recorded. Sunspot cycles... continued

Big Cars Encourage Reckless Driving

January 11, 2007
On this web site in the past, we have asked the question: Are SUVs evil? Some people say that SUV drivers are more reckless than drivers of regular cars. Is this true? SUVs are really trucks in disguise, since they... continued

Thousands of Birds Fall from the Sky

January 11, 2007
Strange bird deaths continue, this time with thousands of them falling out of the sky in Esperance, Australia. In theaustraliannews.com.au, Amanda O'Brien quotes conservation official Mike Fitzgerald as saying, "It's very substantial. We estimate several thousand birds are dead, although... continued

Heavy Metals Mean Danger

January 11, 2007
Scientists now say that autism is caused by exposure to heavy metal pollution. This has been blamed on the mercury that was once used as a preservative in children's vaccines, but power plants and car exhausts spew out heavy metals... continued

Tour Templar France with William Henry!

January 11, 2007
On June 12-20, William Henry will be leading a special Blue Apples tour of France, following in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene. This incredible tour will feature Rennes le Chateau, the Cathar stronghold of Montsegur, a tour of Templar Knight... continued

New York Gas Smell May be Linked to Global Warming

January 10, 2007
On January 8, a powerful odor of escaping gas blanketed much of southern New Jersey and New York. It was strong enough to cause buildings to be shut down, and for all emergency services in the area to be swamped... continued

It’s Safe to Travel to Countries That Have Bird Flu

January 10, 2007
Is it safe to travel to places that have reported cases of bird flu? Is there a danger that a traveler might bring this disease back home? At least 17 major outbreaks of avian flu strains have resulted in the... continued

What Made the Mayans so Bloodthirsty?

January 10, 2007
What made the Mayans so blood thirsty? It may have been because of drought, caused by climate change. The downfall of the Tang dynasty in China and the Mayans in South America occurred around the same time and both may... continued