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Does Big Oil Lie About Global Warming?
January 5, 2007A new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists claimsthat ExxonMobil has adopted the tobacco industry's disinformation tactics to cloud the scientific understanding of climate change and delay action on the issue. According to the report, between 1998 and 2005,... continued
Mystery Object Crashes Through Roof
January 5, 2007An object about the size of a golf ball and weighing 13 ounces crashed through the roof of a Monmouth, NJ home at approximately 9PM local time on Tuesday. The object was tested by the Monmouth County Office of Emergency... continued
Will We Soon Regrow Severed Limbs?
January 4, 2007What if victims of terrorism, who have had their limbs hacked off, could grow a new one? What if a paralyzed person could grow a new spine?or someone with heart disease could grow a new heart? This might be something... continued
Another Case of Drowning
January 4, 2007We recently wrote about how an island nation is drowning in India. Here in the US, Alaska is facing major weather changes. Now, due to the rise in the ocean levels, an island off South Carolina is disappearing. A photo... continued
We May be About to Find Life on Mars
January 4, 2007A class of especially hardy microbes that live in some of the harshest environments on earth could flourish on cold Mars, according to a research team of astronomers and microbiologists. NASA's Mars rover Opportunity may discover some of them in... continued
Whitley on Coast with Art Bell TONIGHT
January 4, 2007Whitley will be on Coast to Coast AM radio with Art Bell on Thursday, Janaury 4, starting at 11 p.m. Pacific time. He'll be talking with Art about global warming, UFOs, his new novel The Grays and the new novel... continued
UFO Seen Over Chicago Airport
January 3, 2007On November 27, at least twelve United Airlines workers say a UFO hovering over the United terminal at O?Hare International Airport for several minutes at around 4:30 in the afternoon. It hovered low, then quickly bolted into some clouds. In... continued
UFOs in France
January 3, 2007The French space agency, the National Space Studies Center (CNES), plans to put its part of its archive of around 6,000 UFO sightings online in late January or mid-February. France has been collecting these for around 30 years. Since many... continued
Possible South Africa UFO Crash
January 3, 2007A strange aerial event was reported near Lephalale, SouthAfrica on Saturday. Leonie Ras, the Administrative Managerof the town, was at her daughter's farm east of town whenshe heard an enormous roar at 4:33 in the morning. Shedescribed it as sounding... continued
A New Way to Price Movie Tix
January 2, 2007New research shows that movie theaters could increase their profits if they charged different prices for different movies. But this would involve movie studios knowing what customers will like, and since there are plenty of surprise hits, this is not... continued