His Face Reveals Everything (If You Just Know How to Look)

December 28, 2006
Can you judge a man's faithfulness by his face? How about whether he would be a good father or a good provider? Many people believe they can, and a social psychologist who did an online study about this decided they... continued

Is That Science Real or FAKE?

December 28, 2006
Everyone who loves science, that includes the writers and readers of this web site, has been dismayed by the anti-scientific stance of the current administration?particularly since there is absolutely no reason that science and religion have to clash. After criticizing... continued

Happy New Year from Whitley Strieber

December 27, 2006
Whitley Strieber wishes a Happy New Year to all, inthe form of a journal entry that calls attention to theastonishing human achievements that have made our world amuch better place over the past hundred years. He points out that lifespan... continued

Anne’s Diary: Loaves & Fishes UPDATE

December 27, 2006
In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: "This year, Christmas was on Monday, which I think is the most counter-intuitive day of the week for such a festive holiday. You can't figure out what you're supposed to be doing the... continued

Was 2006 a Good Year for Women’s Health?

December 27, 2006
Years in which dogmatic revisionists take control of public policy are usually not good years for women's health. But there was some good news for women in 2006. The Society for Women's Health Research has announced the top five women's... continued

Strange Deaths of Birds

December 27, 2006
A large number of crows are dying in Lewiston, Maine, and the pattern of their deaths does not suggest either disease or accidental poisoning. It could be that the birds are being intentionally poisoned, but the fact that their deaths... continued

First Victims of Global Warming

December 27, 2006
Rising ocean levels, caused by global warming (which is causing glaciers to melt), will soon make 70,000 people homeless, as?for the first time?an inhabited island near India has been completely covered with water. Geoffrey Lean writes in the Independent that... continued

Famous (and Ominous) Mind Study

December 26, 2006
In 1961, Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram discovered that ordinary people would give deadly electric shocks to people they didn't know, despite the fact that they could hear their screams, if they were directed to do so by "authority figures." The... continued

Too Hot to Hibernate: Head for the Hills!

December 26, 2006
As if anyone needs any more proof that global warming is real, biologists have discovered that in Spain, bears are no longer hibernating for the winter. In California, chipmunks, mice and squirrels are moving to higher elevations, where the weather... continued

Why Low Fat Foods Make You Fat

December 26, 2006
People?especially overweight people?consume up to 50% MORE calories when they eat low-fat versions of snack foods than when they eat the regular versions. And dieters want to know: are "trans fats" (whatever they are) really bad for you? New York... continued