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William Henry on Coast to Coast AM Radio TONIGHT
December 20, 2006Popular Dreamland co-host William Henry will be on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory on Wednesday, Dec. 20, starting at 10 pm Pacific time. Our chats with William have been a huge success--don't miss his conversation with George! NOTE:... continued
Forget Corn & Wheat–POT is Our Biggest Crop!
December 20, 2006Our War on Drugs is getting to seem more and more futile, especially since it has reached the point where marijuana is America's most valuable cash crop, worth more to farmers than wheat and corn combined, despite the fact that... continued
Laughter is Catching
December 20, 2006Scientists who have studied primates in the wild have learned that yawning is "catching." Now researchers think that laughter is catching too. In LiveScience.com, Andrea Thompson quotes neuroscientist Sophie Scott as saying, "We've known for some time that when we... continued
Solve the Oil Shortage: Grow Gas
December 19, 2006Last year in the United States, four billion gallons of ethanol were produced from 1.43 billion bushels of corn (including kernels, stalks, leaves, cobs, husks). In comparison, the United States consumed about 140 billion gallons of gasoline. Due to farm... continued
Are Brain Tumors Contagious?
December 19, 2006Cancer is becoming less of mystery than it once was. For instance, researchers now know that there is a genetic predisposition for certain types of breast cancer. Now they've discovered that how many brothers and sisters you have, especially younger... continued
Anne’s Diary: Upon Seeing Apocalypto
December 19, 2006In her new diary, Anne Strieber says: "I've written diaries about my impressions upon seeing Fahrenheit 911 and about (not) seeing The DaVinci Code. I recently saw Mel Gibon's film Apocalypto, and I wanted to share my thoughts about that... continued
Border Fence Scandal
December 18, 2006We've written before about why putting up a fence on the US/Mexican border to keep illegal aliens out won't work. However, we're doing it anyway, despite the fact that, a year ago, our own government hired illegals to clean up... continued
Are Vegetarians Smarter? They’re Better for the Environment
December 18, 2006A British study shows that intelligent children may be more likely to be vegetarians as adults. Since cows, pigs, sheep and poultry are among the world's greatest environmental threats, it's the earth-saving way to eat. The researchers found over 8,000... continued
UFO Sightings Far & Wide
December 18, 2006This has been a major period for UFO sightings, which have taken place in the US in California and Wyoming, and as far away as the UK and Poland. In UFO Digest, Piotr Cielebia? quotes Ryszard Grabczynski, who photographed a... continued
UFO Hacker May Spend Rest of Life in Prison
December 15, 2006UFO hacker Gary McKinnon's last chance of avoiding extradition to the United States, for a trial that could lead to 70 years in prison or an indefinite term at Guantanamo, takes place on February 13, when his case will be... continued