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Rare Tornado in London
December 8, 2006Signs of predictedweatherextremes are everywhere: a massive snowstorm crippled Buffalo in October. In November, a heat wave ruined the start of the ski season in the Alps. December started with monster typhoon Durian killing as many as a thousand people... continued
Llama Anti Terrorist Tactics
December 8, 2006There has long been speculation that innocent animals could be used to create bioweapons for terrorist attacks. But they could be used to detect these weapons as well. If terrorists deploy a biological weapon, the molecules in the blood of... continued
Is Gambling Unhealthy?
December 8, 2006We know that you can lose your money, but is gambling also bad for your health? A new study finds that people who gamble at least five times a year have more health problems than people who gamble less frequently.... continued
Water Flowing on Mars NOW
December 7, 2006NASA has found what it calls "compelling" evidence that water is flowing on the surface of Mars RIGHT NOW, and has documented what it believes to have been water flows withinthe past seven years. Keep reading to see more fascinating... continued
Good News About Global Warming
December 7, 2006"Good" news about global warming: the Southern Ocean may slow the rate of global warming by absorbing significantly more heat and carbon dioxide than previously thought. This could be another factor that can buy us a few more years to... continued
Neanderthals Were Cannibals
December 7, 2006We've long speculated about whether or not Neanderthals interbred with early modern man. Some scientists say that we're the ones who branched off from the family tree?that Neanderthals were the "normal" humans. If the Neanderthals hadn't died out, we all... continued
Tut Curse Returns
December 6, 2006Like the Dybbuk box, the supposed curse against anyone who disturbs the tomb of the boy-king Tut still seems to be powerful today, as a group of radiologists discovered. Dr. Ashraf Selim and his team ran King Tut's mummy through... continued
Global Warming: Can We Shade the Sun?
December 6, 2006We've recently written about how important clouds are when it comes to global warming. Maybe what we need to do is create a huge, artificial cloud?or space shade?to block the sun's rays from reaching the earth so we can gain... continued
Now You Can LISTEN to Wonderful New William Henry & Whitley Books!
December 6, 2006Christmas is the season of giving. Now, just in time for Christmas, William Henry presents his new Starwalkers book and 2-disc DVD set. Now, in a Dreamland Special, you can listen to William and Whitley reading chapters from this extraordinary... continued
Why a Hungry Nation Needs to Fight Global Warming
December 6, 2006New research indicates that reductions in the kind of human-generated air pollution that causes global warming could create unexpected agricultural benefits in India, one of the world's poorest regions. Rice harvests increased dramatically in India during the "Green Revolution" of... continued