What Clouds Tell Us About Climate Change

November 29, 2006
NASA is aiming its satellites at the North Pole in order to study the drops of water in the clouds there. The mystery they want to solve is: why is there so much water in these clouds that isn't frozen?... continued

Why Testing Works

November 29, 2006
Remember those kids who wanted to study only what was on the test? They may have cheated themselves. When it comes to schools, there is a lot of controversy about homework and testing. Homework is popular with parents, but many... continued

Whale Brains Like Ours

November 28, 2006
Scientists have discovered that dolphins are genetically close to humans. Now they've learned that humpback whales have a type of brain cell that is seen only in humans, the great apes, and dolphins, and there may be a very special... continued

Eastern Wisdom Embraced by the West

November 28, 2006
In everything from neurology to medicine, the West is now starting to listen to wisdom from the East. A major drug company is using Chinese medicine, which relies on natural ingredients, in its search for new medicines. He describes how... continued

How the Ancients Got High

November 28, 2006
Five years ago we posted a story about how the ancient prophets at Delphi in Greece may have been high on natural gas. Now scientists think that the culprit may have been carbon dioxide. Does this mean that the increasing... continued

Riding a Bike Can End Your Sex Life (Continued)

November 27, 2006
We've written before that riding a bike can be the end of a man's sex life. Now we've learned that it can be the end of a woman's sexuality as well. Women who ride bicycles frequently may have less genital... continued

Money Makes People Selfish

November 27, 2006
Scientists have discovered that having money?and even just the IDEA of money?makes people selfish instead of generous, as we might hope it would. You wouldn't think it would take a scientist to figure THAT out! Psychologist Kathleen Vohs led a... continued

Red Rain Update

November 27, 2006
On a recent Dreamland show, Linda Howe reported on the phenomenon that's come to be known as red rain. Does this rain, which started falling over Southern India 2 years ago, contain extraterrestrial bacteria? In BBC news, Andrew Thompson reports... continued

On December 9 You Can Visit Marrs!

November 27, 2006
If you travel to the Uptown Theater in Kansas City, Missouri on Saturday, December 9 at 3 p.m., you can hear 3 major conspiracy theorists speak in an all-day session that will curl your hair! Popular Dreamland co-host Jim Marrs... continued

Why Do We Love Some Foods & Hate Others?

November 22, 2006
We all have tastes we love, and tastes we hate. And yet, our preferences for certain flavors and foods can change over time, as we get older or we get tired of eating the same old thing. Scientists have long... continued