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On December 9 You Can Visit Marrs!
November 27, 2006If you travel to the Uptown Theater in Kansas City, Missouri on Saturday, December 9 at 3 p.m., you can hear 3 major conspiracy theorists speak in an all-day session that will curl your hair! Popular Dreamland co-host Jim Marrs... continued
Why Do We Love Some Foods & Hate Others?
November 22, 2006We all have tastes we love, and tastes we hate. And yet, our preferences for certain flavors and foods can change over time, as we get older or we get tired of eating the same old thing. Scientists have long... continued
On Thanksgiving, Our Thoughts Turn to?Turkey
November 22, 2006On Christmas (hopefully), our thoughts turn to giving, but on Thanksgiving, our thoughts turn to that turkey we're going to dine on with friends and family. Turkey is still fairly unknown in Europe, but Americans are eating over 100% more... continued
Good News About Holiday Blues
November 22, 2006The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays have long been an especially painful season for lonely people. Now, there's good news: Suicide rates among younger and older Americans have been declining since the early 1990s. There's also puzzling news: No one really... continued
Meeting the Green Man
November 22, 2006In her newest diary, Anne Strieber writes: "While I've written about the Green Man twice in my diaries, and even become a sort of ambassador for him, I've only met him metaphorically. Now I've heard from some one who met... continued
Real Magic
November 22, 2006We know that magicians are fooling us, but why can't we catch them at it? Or is there such a thing a REAL magic? In LiveScience.com, Charles Q. Choi quotes psychologist Gustav Kuhn as saying, "It made sense to look... continued
Sea Urchins R Us
November 21, 2006We may not be related to Neanderthals, but we ARE related to small sea creatures called sea urchins! The Sea Urchin Genome Sequencing Project (SUGSP) Consortium (yes, there is such a thing) has announced that they have succeeded in decoding... continued
Fear Can Make You Fat
November 21, 2006We recently wrote about how worry can actually make you sick, and it turns out that fear can make you fat?if you're too afraid of crime in your neighborhood to go out and take a walk. Older adults living in... continued
More Movie Science
November 21, 2006From time to time, we report on what scientists are thinking about the films we see. Why is the new Bond film called Casino Royale instead of James Bond 21 (which is what it actually is)? Are movie stars getting... continued
Global Warming: Are Lawsuits Next?
November 20, 2006Two Australian researchers say that governments and companies will face an increase in law suits for their role in global warming, due to the damage it causes to health and communities, and they think these claims have a good chance... continued