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How to Catch a Superbug
November 13, 2006Superbugs are antibiotic-resistant bacteria that usually pass from person to person in hospitals, because of the large amounts of antibiotics that are administered there. The sad fact is, you can leave the hospital even sicker than you were when you... continued
Ancient Tomb Discovered…of a Dentist
November 10, 2006On this week's Dreamland, we interview world famous Egyptologist John Anthony West, so it's appropriate that a new Egyptian tomb has just been discovered?containing the graves of three royal dentists! Reporter Sierra Millman writes that the tomb was discovered thanks... continued
What’s it Like to be a Princess?
November 10, 2006What would it be like to be adopted and to hire a private detective to trace your roots?only to find out that you are a princess? It sounds like the kind of thing that only happens in movies or fairy... continued
A Brand New Island
November 10, 2006Another indication of the high level of volcanic activity worldwide is that a large new island has appeared in the South Pacific, near Tonga, in an area so isolated that it has gone virtually unnoticed by scientists. A cruising yacht... continued
Huge Meteorite Found in Kansas
November 9, 2006Scientists recently dug up a 154-pound meteorite that had been buried 4 feet deep in a Kansas wheat field. They located the meteorite by using radar technology that NASA someday hopes to use on Mars. Roxana Hegeman writes in LiveScience.com... continued
Polluted Kids
November 9, 2006We're not only polluting the earth: In the process, we're polluting our children. Scientists think that pollution may be the cause of disabilities and diseases like Parkinson's, autism, attention deficit disorder and cerebral palsy. Jeremy Laurance writes in the Independent... continued
Americans Leaving Home for Affordable Surgery
November 9, 2006According to the National Coalition on Health Care, about half a million Americans traveled overseas last year to have surgery that costs two to three times more in the US. The ironic name for this is "medical tourism." In News... continued
Bring the Green Man into YOUR Life
November 9, 2006A year after an aneurysm suddenly burst inside her brain, almost killing her, Anne Strieber had a revelation about the Green Man. On the two-year anniversary of her near-death experience, she wrote about becoming an ambassador for the Green Man.... continued
Military Discovers 40-Year-Old UFO
November 8, 2006Archivists for the New Zealand Naval Museum have uncovered a forty year old photograph taken from the deck of HMNZS Royalist during Waitangi Day celebrations in 1965 that shows a saucer shaped object in the sky ahead of the ship.... continued
Fruit is Fine but Vegetables are Better
November 8, 2006New research shows that eating vegetables, not fruit, helps keep us mentally alert as we age, BUT another study shows that eating strawberries is good for our memory. In determining whether there was an association between eating vegetables and fruit... continued