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Earthquakes Today in the US & Italy
October 26, 2006Two years ago, we reported that an 7.9 earthquake in Alaska in 2002 set off 200 smaller earthquakes 2,000 miles away in Yellowstone National Park that changed the schedule of some of Yellowstone's geysers. Now another swarm of quakes is... continued
How Will Global Warming Affect Our Future?
October 25, 2006Researchers are firing up their supercomputers to try to figure out what changes global warming will bring us in the future.Recent episodes of deadly heat in the United States and Europe, long dry spells across the US West, and heavy... continued
Don’t Worry, Be Healthy
October 25, 2006If you worry about getting sick, are you more likely to become ill? This doesn't sound fair but alas, it may be true. It works that way with rats, anyway. Robert Roy Britt writes in LiveScience.com that when young female... continued
Left & Right
October 25, 2006Anne Strieber, (who is right-handed) was told by her neurologist that being left-handed is a higher stage of human evolution, because lefties use their ENTIRE brains to do everything, not just the opposite sides from righties, as they once thought.... continued
UFO Returns to Chicago Area Every Fall
October 24, 2006Major UFO sightings no longer matter to the national media, but they happen locally all the time, and the sightings that have been taking place in Tinley Park, Illinois "are among the most well-documented cases we have seen," according to... continued
Was there a Military Disaster in Iraq?
October 24, 2006There is a rumor that there has been a military disaster inIraq involving an attack near the Green Zone and manyAmerican casualties. On October 10, a massive fire wasobserved at Forward Operations Base Falcon, one of thelargest US camps in... continued
Earths are Common?Life May be Common Too
October 24, 2006According to NASA, earthlike planets covered with deep oceans that could harbor life may be found in as many as a third of solar systems discovered outside of our own. Astronomers analyzing two of the deepest views of the cosmos... continued
Bird Flu May Come from Alaska
October 23, 2006Here at unknowncountry.com, we bring you regular reports about bird flu?and also about Alaska. Now it turns out that one of the most dangerous bird flu threats is coming FROM that state. Jia-Rui Chong writes in the Sunday, October 22... continued
Big Bee Emergency
October 23, 2006We're losing bees at a rapid rate, but we can't do without them. The National Research Council has released a report stating that pollinators such as bees, birds, and many others, who are essential to crops, food and, ultimately, all... continued
Why So Many are Dying in Iraq
October 23, 2006We recently revealed that the death toll in Iraq is much higher than has been reported in the mainstream media. Doctors working in Iraq say that more than half of the civilians killed could have been saved if better medical... continued