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Does Breast Feeding Make Kids Smarter?
October 20, 2006Scientists have been studying this question for over 70 years, but they still don't know the answer. They do know it makes them healthier, and makes their mothers healthier as well, since it protects against breast cancer. Many of the... continued
What Did YOU Inherit?
October 20, 2006Everyone wants to learn about their roots, which is why so many African-Americans are having their DNA tested. But we don't just inherit our looks and perhaps our personalities?our susceptibility to disease is also inherited, and if we can find... continued
Planned Bush Land Purchase in Paraguay
October 19, 2006There are rumors circulating in Latin America that the Bushfamily plans to purchase 98,000 acres of land inParaguay. It has been reported that the president'sdaughter, Jenna Bush, is involved with the purchase and maybe the owner of the land. The... continued
Music in the Brain
October 19, 2006Children with Williams syndrome, a rare form of autism, love music and will spend hours listening to it. This is further evidence that the ability to compose and appreciate music lies in one specific portion of the brain. We already... continued
Global Warming: A Reprieve But No Sign We Will Use It
October 19, 2006We recently wrote about how a low level of sunspot activity may give us a reprieve when it comes to global warming, and now the oceans are cooling off as well. We now have a chance (if we take it)... continued
Dangerous Diet Drink
October 18, 2006We recently wrote about how drinking cola?whether regular, diet or decaf?is dangerous for women. Now the Coca-Cola company is launching a new brand of cola that is even more dangerous, because it's essentially speed in a bottle! Andrew Gumbel in... continued
Brain Breakthrough
October 18, 2006New technology is allowing people who are paralyzed, due to accidents or to diseases like ALS (the condition that quantum physicist Stephen Hawking has), to operate computers using only their brains. A fourteen-year-old boy with epilepsy has learned to play... continued
Why Bird Flu is Such a Threat
October 18, 2006Scientists who are warning us about a possible bird flu epidemic are comparing it with the 1918 Spanish flu influenza epidemic which killed somewhere between 40 and 100 million people worldwide during the 18 months it lasted. Researchers are analyzing... continued
The Hum is Back
October 17, 2006Another mystery hum is driving people nuts, and this time it's in New Zealand?and, yet again, the locals have no idea that this is a worldwide phenomenon. Massey University researchers are investigating an unexplained hum that hundreds of people are... continued
Autumn Leaves: Red Means Danger
October 17, 2006While scientists understand why the leaves on trees turn yellow and orange in the fall, they DON'T understand why some of them turn red, but they do know that it can be a sign of danger for the tree. Cory... continued