Smoke in Your Car Can Kill You?or Your Kids

October 11, 2006
New research measured secondhand tobacco smoke in cars and found pollution levels that are hazardous to children?and to you. Two years ago, we reported that, contrary to popular opinion, smoking can MAKE you fat. Now it's been discovered that People... continued

Why Hummers Were Once the Gods of War

October 11, 2006
The feisty hummingbird was the ancient Aztec god of war, and maybe it still is today, since so many modern warplanes have been modeled on them. Like high-tech fighter jets, hummingbirds use so much food that they need to refuel... continued

Why We Need a Car That Drives Itself

October 10, 2006
As the population ages, a big problem is if (and when) to take driver's licenses away from elderly drivers, who may no longer have good enough eyesight or reflexes to safely drive a vehicle, especially in modern, suburbs, where it's... continued

When You Smell Sulfur, Is SOMETHING ELSE Going on?

October 10, 2006
In close encounters and UFO sightings (and some Bigfoot sightings), people have reported the smell of sulfur (a rotten eggs smell). Now scientists have learned that that hydrogen sulfide, which produces this odor, can alter consciousness without causing physical harm,... continued

Drinking Cola is Bad for Your Bones

October 10, 2006
Drinking sodas, instead of water, with meals and in between meals, is one of the primary causes of obesity in the US. Since these sodas are sweetened with high fructose corn syrup made from corn, they may even lead to... continued

Does Smoking Pot Prevent Alzheimer’s?

October 9, 2006
We've recently written about how Alzheimer's disease may be triggered by what you eat. Now scientists suspect that it could be prevented by what you smoke. THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, is better at suppressing the abnormal clumping of... continued

Anthrax Attacks Could Happen Again

October 9, 2006
Could the anthrax attacks of five years ago happen here again? Bioterrorism expert Ken Alibek says yes, and he ought to know, since he used to develop biological weapons for the ex-Soviet Union. When someone sent anthrax through the mail... continued

Abducted? You Can Get Compensation

October 9, 2006
?IF you live in Germany. German lawyer Jens Lorek is advertising that he can get compensation from the state for people who have been abducted by aliens. In the US legal system, this would be a class action lawsuit?the kind... continued

Columbus Day Celebrates a Villain

October 6, 2006
On Columbus Day, we should remember that history is constantly being rewritten. For instance, the Chinese claim that America was really first discovered by one of their explorers. If it WAS Christopher Columbus who first discovered America, newly discovered documents... continued

Women: Watch Your Fingers

October 6, 2006
The difference between the lengths of a man's index and ring fingers indicates whether or not a man is good at sports, but now scientists have found this is true for women too. Researchers have also discovered that the length... continued