Are You Being Ignored?

October 6, 2006
Researchers have discovered that people who think they are being watched are more honest?even if the eyes watching them don't belong to a real person. Now scientists say that the fact that someone is NOT watching you DOES NOT mean... continued

What About the Children?

October 5, 2006
Whitley Strieber wants to know why today's politicians seem so unconcerned about the next generation, even though most of them have children and even grandchildren. In his incredibly provocative new journal, he continues this theme, as he relates the current... continued

Spying?on Us?

October 5, 2006
The US military has developed a new surveillance drone that is virtually invisible. Researchers know that, due to the way our eyes work, fast-moving helicopter blades cannot be seen, except as a blur. Now they have used this knowledge to... continued

Pill to Stop the Spread of Cancer

October 5, 2006
We've reported in the past that cancer has eternal life. Now there may be a pill that prevents its spread, which is what usually kills people who contract the disease. A chemically altered form of vitamin E mixed into mouse... continued

Anne’s Diary: A Very Silly War

October 5, 2006
In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: "No, I'm not referring to the War in Iraq?although frankly that invasion seems pretty silly at this point. I'm referring to the War on Drugs?yet another US war that cannot be won." Besides... continued

Storms Attack Ice on Opposite Side of Earth

October 4, 2006
We recently reported that satellites have spotted dangerous cracks in Arctic icebergs, and now we may be discovering WHY this are happening. Can a storm in Alaska, started by global warming, end up breaking apart an iceberg at the opposite... continued

Your Hotel is Sick?and Can Make You Sick Too!

October 4, 2006
We recently wrote about a superbug detector, which will mostly be used in hospitals, where antibiotic-resistant superbugs lurk. Maybe we should use these germ revealing wipes in hotel rooms, because it turns out that the average hotel room is horribly... continued

Your Memory Can be Erased

October 4, 2006
For years, people who have had close encounters and those who remember being abducted have reported memory erasure so total that it is called "missing time." Now State University of New York scientists have discovered a way of erasing memory... continued

What Smells?

October 3, 2006
Scientists don't understand exactly how we identify the many odors we smell every day. Biologists have found evidence that while we may not be consciously aware of it, people can sniff out the chemical signals of sexual attraction. Aromatherapists say... continued

Superbug Detector

October 3, 2006
Antibiotic-resistant Superbugs are a real problem in hospitals, where they're created, but they're even more of a problem when they walk out with discharged patients, and with their visitors and the health workers who take care of them, and infiltrate... continued