Black Hole Machine?Is It Dangerous?

September 29, 2006
The world's most powerful atomic particle accelerator will start functioning around 6 months from now. It's capable of creating a black hole every second. Since black holes suck up planets, is this dangerous? Scientists reassure us that it's not?but then,... continued

Animal Minds

September 29, 2006
When your dog gets sick, you take him to the vet, where he's given some medicine. But the drugs your dog is taking could be sensed by other dogs, and since dogs are pack animals that rely on their noses,... continued

Mona Lisa Mystery

September 28, 2006
Researchers now know who she was, and they know that Leonardo da Vinci painted her portrait to commemorate the birth of her second son. But what they don't know is how he did it, because on close examination, there seem... continued

New Threat in Space

September 28, 2006
A current crop of solar flares could disrupt GPS systems, which more and more cars are using. They are also standard equipment on jet planes, which makes the flares a potentially much more serious problem. But GPS is not the... continued

Alzeheimer’s Trigger: What You Eat?

September 28, 2006
Don't miss Anne Strieber's fascinating subscriber interview with Colm Kelleher about Alzheimer's Disease this week! Could the obesity epidemic in the US that is fueled by corn ALSO be the cause of the incredible rise in Alzheimer's Disease? New studies... continued

Global Warming Now Critical

September 27, 2006
One of the greatest tragedies of the Iraq War may turn out to be that we spent so much energy and money on fighting an unnecessary war abroad, while we should have been concentrating on the climate emergency here at... continued

Why is it Suddenly Dangerous to Eat Spinach?

September 27, 2006
As a result of the recent e-coli outbreak from eating contaminated spinach, farmers in California, where most of our fresh spinach is grown, are plowing under their crop. Agricultural expert John Crespi says, "At this point, we don't know how... continued

Does Evil Exist?

September 27, 2006
This sounds like a philosophical or religious question, but it's something that scientists are actually studying. Religious scholar David Frankfurter says that evil is a concept that gives people a license to commit brutal acts. Witches, demons and other Satanic... continued

See The Phoenix Lights

September 26, 2006
Many of you have read Dr. Lynne Kitei's book The Phoenix Lights and watched her DVD. Now Californians have a rare chance to see this extraordinary UPDATED film at TWO SEPARATE SHOWINGS at two different theaters on the SAME DAY.... continued

Graham Hancock on Tour in the US!

September 26, 2006
If you live in California, Seattle, New York City or the Denver/Boulder area, you will have a rare opportunity to meet author Graham Hancock in October. His most famous book is Fingerprints of the Gods. He will be talking about... continued