
September 25, 2006
Despite the fact that many sociologists say there is no such thing as race, many people are looking for their roots. An Indian tribe in California just got some amazing DNA evidence about where they came from. Medical researchers think... continued

Can We Really Move the Mississippi?

September 22, 2006
It's an emergency situation, so we have to try. The Mississippi is eating away at the eating away at the coastline of Louisiana, making it even more vulnerable to future hurricanes. The amount of land being lost is huge and... continued

Wal-Mart: Good or Bad?

September 22, 2006
Around a year ago we asked the question, is Wal-Mart evil? This goes along with a more recent question: are we getting poorer or does it just FEEL that way? A recent study shows that if there?s a Wal-Mart nearby,... continued

State Fights Global Warming With No Help From the Feds

September 22, 2006
If the Federal government won't take a stand against global warming, individual states will have to do it alone. California has filed a lawsuit against six leading car manufacturers, saying that the emissions from the cars they produce are changing... continued

Dreaded Disease Traced to Cave

September 21, 2006
A little over a year ago, we reported that the dangerous Marburg virus had spread to Europe. Researchers have long searched for the source of this incurable disease, which caused an epidemic in Africa in 1998?2000. They've been looking for... continued

Important News for Women

September 21, 2006
When it comes to women's health, we try to keep you informed about the basics. A new 15-year study reveals that women who get breast implants to increase the size of their breasts have a significantly higher suicide rate. Meanwhile,... continued

More Dalai Lama Science

September 21, 2006
Researcher Kevin Tracy has discovered a key mind/body link which explains why meditation and biofeedback works?why you can sometimes "think" yourself to health. He recently gave a paper on his discoveries at a conference honoring the Dalai Lama. Through years... continued

Shuttle Landing Postponed by UFO

September 20, 2006
What is being described by NASA as an "unidentified object" has delayed today's shuttle landing. Atlantis commander Brent Jett radioed this message: "It's fairly small?It was departing away from us, maybe 1 or 2 feet per second. It wasn't rising... continued

Reading the World’s Oldest Books

September 20, 2006
A 26 pound stone slab found in a gravel pit by a road building crew in Veracruz, Mexico is the oldest piece of writing ever found in the Americas, dating back almost 3,000 years to the Olmec civilization (who came... continued

Voting Machines Make Election Fraud Easy

September 20, 2006
Researchers at Princeton University have discovered that a widely-used Diebold voting machine can be opened with your average mini-bar key. Once one of these machines is tampered with, it can be used to create a computer virus that will spread... continued