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Important News for Women
September 21, 2006When it comes to women's health, we try to keep you informed about the basics. A new 15-year study reveals that women who get breast implants to increase the size of their breasts have a significantly higher suicide rate. Meanwhile,... continued
More Dalai Lama Science
September 21, 2006Researcher Kevin Tracy has discovered a key mind/body link which explains why meditation and biofeedback works?why you can sometimes "think" yourself to health. He recently gave a paper on his discoveries at a conference honoring the Dalai Lama. Through years... continued
Shuttle Landing Postponed by UFO
September 20, 2006What is being described by NASA as an "unidentified object" has delayed today's shuttle landing. Atlantis commander Brent Jett radioed this message: "It's fairly small?It was departing away from us, maybe 1 or 2 feet per second. It wasn't rising... continued
Reading the World’s Oldest Books
September 20, 2006A 26 pound stone slab found in a gravel pit by a road building crew in Veracruz, Mexico is the oldest piece of writing ever found in the Americas, dating back almost 3,000 years to the Olmec civilization (who came... continued
Voting Machines Make Election Fraud Easy
September 20, 2006Researchers at Princeton University have discovered that a widely-used Diebold voting machine can be opened with your average mini-bar key. Once one of these machines is tampered with, it can be used to create a computer virus that will spread... continued
Holocaust Denial?At Least Iranians Don’t Do It
September 19, 2006It's bad enough that the holocaust ever happened, but denying it is about as low as you can go. Some Americans still deny the truth, but surprisingly, despite the fact that the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has done so,... continued
The Afterlife Investigators
September 19, 2006Researchers who say they have scientific proof for life after death and for psychic transmission of information presented their evidence at a recent meeting of the British Assoc. for the Advancement of Science in the UK, causing great controversy. Mark... continued
El Nino Means Less Wacky Weather
September 19, 2006El Nino may save us from hurricanes caused by global warming in the near future, since An El Nino is an extreme warming of the ocean waters in the Pacific that affects weather conditions worldwide. NOAA (the National Oceanic and... continued
Don’t Blame the Sun?In Fact, It May Save Us
September 18, 2006According to new research, changes in the sun's brightness over the past few hundred years have had only a small effect on Earth's climate, so we can't blame global warming on solar activity. But some researchers still think the sun... continued
A New Form of Fuel?
September 18, 2006UPDATE - There's more news on using our surplus corn as fuel (in the form of ethanol). As our readers know, corn is not the best plant to use to convert into ethanol?other types of plants produce a more efficient... continued