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Strong Earthquake Today in Gulf of Mexico
September 11, 2006The USGS reports a 6.0 earthquake at 8:57 AM Central Time thismorning in the Gulf of Mexico. The quake took place in anarea not normally associated with earthquake activity, andis one of the strongest quakes ever recorded in the Gulf.... continued
Anne’s Diary: For Kari
September 9, 2006In Anne's new diary, she tells about the adventures she and Whitley had at his recent book signings for The Grays in Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any... continued
Anesthesia?Docs Actually Don’t Know How it Works
September 8, 2006We don't worry during surgery, because we know we won't feel the pain. We'll be asleep?and kept that way by anesthesia. But did you know that the doctors who use it don't really understand how, or why, it works? Even... continued
The Newest Machines are ALIVE
September 8, 2006Experiencers have often said that some ETs seem to be "machines that are alive." Whitley has wondered if this is what at least some of them are, and has included characters like this into his new novel The Grays. Now... continued
More on Evil Corn
September 8, 2006We have too much corn in this country, and we're subsidizing farmers to grow even more of it. Europe doesn't use it and South Americans grow their own. If we didn't feed it to cattle, but let them graze instead,... continued
Whitley Having a Great West Coast Tour for The Grays!
September 7, 2006MORE UPDATES - Whitley and Anne will both be signing their books at the Dark Delicacies bookstore in on 4213 Burbank Blvd. in Burbank, CA on Saturday, Sept. 9, starting at 2 p.m. They visited the University Bookstore in Seattle... continued
Ocean Noise May be Killing Off Species
September 7, 2006A study by researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography shows that the underwater world is becoming a noisier place, with unknown effects on marine life. They?ve discovered that there has been a tenfold increase in the underwater ocean noise off... continued
Are We Getting Poorer?or Does it Just FEEL That Way?
September 7, 2006Since 2000, Americans have been getting poorer, and national rates of severe poverty have climbed sharply. The study showing this was not done by a major newspaper or government think tank, but by the American Journal of Preventative Medicine! They... continued
The End of the Ancient World
September 7, 2006A gigantic meteor crater has been discovered in the desert in Jordan, suggesting that some terrible disaster took place in this area in prehistoric times. We know that an asteroid ended the world of the dinosaurs?could this asteroid have ended... continued
Death of the Amazon?Why it Matters to US
September 6, 2006A severe drought has been affecting the amazon?the world's largest rainforest?for two years, but this has gone unreported here in the U.S. But the rest of the world is paying attention. In the New Zealand Herald, reporter Geoffrey Lean writes... continued