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Al Qaeda Message: Invitation or Warning?
September 3, 2006A videotape has been released by al Quaeda called "AnInvitation to Islam" which invites Westerners to convert toIslam, but cautions that they should hurry. Adam Gadahn,formerly Adam Pearlman of Orange County, Califonia, urgesconversion to Islam but then warns, "Decide today,... continued
Diana Mystery Deepens
September 2, 2006A report on the inquest into the death of Princess Dianathat was being prepared by UK Metropolitan PoliceCommissioner Lord Stevens has been delayed after RoyalCoroner Michael Burgess stepped down, claiming an excessiveworkload. Prior to her death, Princess Diana claimed in... continued
Storms Stalk the World
September 2, 2006Three major storms are now active around the planet, andmore are developing. Tropical Storm Ernesto has causedflooding along the US eastern seaboard, Hurricane John isstriking Baja California, and Supertyphoon Ioke hascompletely inundated Wake Island with forty foot waves,after the entire... continued
Anne’s Diary: A Conundrum
September 1, 2006In Anne's new diary she talks about a question that "reminds me of a basic conundrum of Christianity that?s as old as the Mary versus Martha question." Anne and Whitley had a delightful time chatting with subscribers on Saturday. The... continued
Are Urban Legends Real? Some of Them Are
September 1, 2006Academics have always disagreed on whether urban legends are at least partly based on fact. For instance, many people assume ET experiences are urban legends, but hundreds of thousands of people know that something is really going on?something very strange... continued
Eating Hot Dogs Leads to Genetic Changes
September 1, 2006Bad news for the Labor Day weekend: hot dogs may be even MORE unhealthy than you suspected they were. But here's the good news: lobsters DO NOT feel pain when cooked. LiveScience.com reports that hot dogs may contain compounds that... continued
Sunscreen can be BAD for You
September 1, 2006How can that be? We've finally gotten sunscreen that's effective. But dermatologists say that even if we use the best sunscreen, if we don't apply it often enough, it can actually make sun damage worse. LiveScience.com reports that when UV... continued
A Strange Twist on Alternative Fuels
August 31, 2006Hydrogen fuel is not yet perfected for cars, but ethanol (made from corn) is already being used in some places. The latest news about hydrogen is that it has been successfully used to power a small drone airplane of the... continued
Where Do Our Brains Experience God?
August 31, 2006Scientists are speculating about whether or not our brains are programmed to have a belief in God. New studies show that, contrary to earlier opinion, we do not have a single God spot in the brain that is responsible for... continued
Incredible New Information About JFK Murder
August 31, 2006KTUV.com reports that scientists at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory have discovered new evidence about who assassinated President John F. Kennedy. They says that chemical "fingerprints" on the bullets that killed the president and wounded then Texas Governor John Connally may have... continued