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Braveheart & Broccoli
September 6, 2006In the movie Braveheart, Mel Gibson led a group of Scottish warriors who painted their faces blue. Now it turns out they may have known what they were doing: the blue dye they used contains a powerful breast cancer-fighting substance... continued
Human Evolution Based on Bird Attacks?
September 6, 2006Maybe the reason that we humans evolved to become so war-like is that we were constantly having to defend ourselves?not just from attacks by each other but from snakes?and BIRDS. A new study suggests that prehistoric birds of prey made... continued
Death of the Amazon?Why it Matters to US
September 6, 2006A severe drought has been affecting the amazon?the world's largest rainforest?for two years, but this has gone unreported here in the U.S. But the rest of the world is paying attention. In the New Zealand Herald, reporter Geoffrey Lean writes... continued
Earth Flop
September 5, 2006Although most of us aren't aware of it (except those of you who come to our web site regularly!) there is a pole shift going on right now, which is part of a regular cycle. But something even bigger may... continued
Is This Cat a Cryptid?
September 5, 2006A mystery cat that resembles a black panther has been sighted in New Zealand. The strange thing is about this is that New Zealand does not have any panthers, lions, tigers, leopards or wolves (except in zoos). Hunters have now... continued
Alzheimer’s: Cure & Prevention
September 5, 2006We've told you about the latest on autism, AIDS and bird flu?now we present the latest news on Alzheimer's, the frightening disease that makes time meaningless. Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center have successfully restored normal memory and brain functioning... continued
People in Wheelchairs May Walk Again
September 4, 2006The actor Christopher Reeve, who became paralyzed due to a riding accident, always insisted that he would walk again. He didn't live long enough to see an amazing new breakthrough that might have made this possible. A vaccine that stimulates... continued
Is There a Mystery Weapon in the West?
September 4, 2006From time to time we have reported on new weapons technology and have even interviewed experts on this subject on Dreamland. We have also reported on one of the mysteries of the crop circles that scientific researchers have discovered: that... continued
Al Qaeda Message: Invitation or Warning?
September 3, 2006A videotape has been released by al Quaeda called "AnInvitation to Islam" which invites Westerners to convert toIslam, but cautions that they should hurry. Adam Gadahn,formerly Adam Pearlman of Orange County, Califonia, urgesconversion to Islam but then warns, "Decide today,... continued
Diana Mystery Deepens
September 2, 2006A report on the inquest into the death of Princess Dianathat was being prepared by UK Metropolitan PoliceCommissioner Lord Stevens has been delayed after RoyalCoroner Michael Burgess stepped down, claiming an excessiveworkload. Prior to her death, Princess Diana claimed in... continued