That Dangerous Dybbuk Box

August 28, 2006
A few weeks ago the Striebers were on vacation and we ran a repeat of a program from two years ago about the Dybbuk Box, that eerie winebox that has brought fear and tragedy to one owner after another, that... continued

Ernesto Heads for Florida

August 27, 2006
Ernesto became the first hurricane of the season as itssustained winds exceeded 70 MPH on Sunday. However, thestorm also appeared to be tracking farther east, which meansthat it will spend most of its life above a mix of land andwater... continued

Scientists Looking for Global Warming?on Computers

August 25, 2006
While the rest of us swelter, or shelter from the latest storm, climatologists are using supercomputers the size of small buildings to track global warming. And no matter how much the government wants to deny reality, a new international poll... continued

Tropical Depression May Become Gulf Hurricane

August 25, 2006
The National Weather Service has announced that TropicalDepression Five now circulating in the Lesser Antilles withsurface winds of 35 miles an hour is likely to become ahurricane over the weekend and is headed toward the Gulf ofMexico. Because Gulf waters... continued

How to Use Viruses & Bacteria in a GOOD Way

August 25, 2006
We've updated you on the AIDS virus and the bird flu virus and both are frightening. But scientists are actually finding GOOD ways to use bacteria and viruses?in toothpaste and cold cuts! reports that chewing gum, toothpaste and deodorant... continued

With Pluto Gone, What Will Astrologers Do?

August 25, 2006
Now that astronomers say that Pluto can no longer be considered a planet, what are astrologers going to do? Pluto may have been put into limbo by astronomers, but it's still on astrology charts, and nobody plans to remove it.... continued

The Latest on the Autism Epidemic

August 24, 2006
The government keeps warning us about an upcoming epidemic of bird flu?which may or may not be a problem?but it doesn't mention the current epidemic of autism, which researchers now know is caused by a genetic susceptibility to heavy metal... continued


August 24, 2006
Long ago, our ancestors may have become human to get away from snakes. They may have left the water in order get away from poisonous fish! There are actually more poisonous fish than poisonous snakes. Biologists have now identified 1,200... continued

Dark Matter is Everywhere

August 23, 2006
But what is it? - Astronomers tell us that the mysterious substance called dark matter is the main substance in the universe?but we just can?t find it. It's the same sort of thing that quantum physicists say about parallel universes... continued

How Can You Tell if Your Computer is Bugged?

August 23, 2006
A federal judge recently ruled that it is illegal for the government to bug people's phones in the cause of Homeland Security. But what about all that email you send? reports that your keyboard can easily be bugged so... continued